Herpes pills on the lips

Herpes on the lips, or "cold" on the lips (the labial form of herpesvirus infection), is caused by the herpes simplex virus of the first (more often) and second (less often) type. This is a very common disease, because, according to various sources, 60 to 90% of the world's population is infected with herpes simplex. As it is known, after the first infection this pathogen penetrates into the nervous structures of the human body and remains in them forever, staying in a "dormant" latent state and periodically activating, causing an exacerbation in the form of rashes on the skin and mucous membranes.

Medicines for herpes on the lips in the form of tablets

To treat herpes on the lips apply local and systemic antiviral drugs. It should be understood that, in connection with the characteristics of herpesvirus, none of the medicines available to date is capable of completely "withdrawing" the infection of the body. The intake of antiviral ointments, gels and tablets from herpes on the lips contributes only to the inhibition of the activity and propagation of the pathogen, thereby reducing the severity of symptoms and shortening the course of the disease. In addition, these drugs reduce the risk of transmission of infection to others, as well as the risk of self-infection (ie, the transfer of the virus from the lips to other parts of the body).

However, unlike local, systemic drugs, i.e. tablets against herpes on the lips, are more effective. Anti-herpes drugs of systemic action depress the virus not only in the outbreak, but spread throughout the body, exerting a powerful influence on pathogens. Thus, prevention of the development of complicated forms of herpes is achieved, and the likelihood of repeated exacerbations of the infectious process decreases.

The use of herpes tablets with the first pathological symptoms allows to stop the process of skin lesions on the lips. Ie, if you start taking these medications at a stage when only a "suspicious" burning sensation, itching and soreness in the mouth area are felt, you can avoid the appearance of inflammatory vesicles. In this case, doctors often recommend combining the use of antiherpetic tablets with similar local remedies, which allows to achieve the best results in treatment.

What pills to drink with herpes on the lips?

Simple herpes on the lips can be treated with the following drugs in the form of tablets:

In general, all these drugs are characterized by the same efficacy and good tolerability, but the bioavailability of valaciclovir and famciclovir exceeds this in acyclovir (i.e., digestion by the body of acyclovir below). Therefore, when using drugs based on valicyclovir and famciclovir, lower doses and a shorter course of administration are required. With these two drugs are significantly more expensive than tablets with acyclovir in the composition.

Features of taking antiherpetic tablets

Tablets from herpes are taken regardless of food intake 2-5 times a day for 5-10 days. Dosage, frequency of administration and duration of treatment depends on the type of medication used, severity of the course of the pathology and some other factors that are considered by doctors when prescribing treatment. When taking tablets for the prevention of herpes on the lips, the dosage is also different. It is important not to stop therapy before the due date, to comply with the regimen of taking the drug. If the prescribed treatment after five days of treatment does not give a positive effect, new foci of infection appear, you should always consult a doctor.