How to treat barley?

When the eye century is formed swelling and redness, accompanied by pain, the main thing is to understand how quickly to treat barley.

Causes of the disease

How to treat barley, you can only decide after you understand what triggered her appearance. Previously, it was believed that it appears due to hypothermia, this is not entirely true. Subcooling is just one of the risk factors that contributes to the development of this inflammatory process. Most often inflammation causes bacterial infections, and in some cases - skin mite. Other risk factors are:

The most common cause of inflammation is Staphylococcus aureus.

Symptoms of internal barley

On how to properly treat barley under the eye, will help to tell and the symptoms of this disease. When inflammation occurs in the region of the upper or lower eyelid, there is a limited swelling. This formation has a densely elastic consistency, painfully reacts upon palpation, and the skin above it is inflamed and edematous. The disease is accompanied by reddening of the conjunctiva. These symptoms may not manifest all at once, but gradually, so you should consult a doctor who, after the examination, will prescribe what can be treated with barley. In some cases, patients may experience symptoms of intoxication, that is, increased body temperature, headache and an increase in regional lymph nodes, which also has a significant effect on how to properly treat barley.

Most often, a couple of days after the onset of the disease, a swelling is formed on the swelling, which opens spontaneously. All this is accompanied by the release of pus and particles of necrotic tissue. And it happens that the process does not reach the suppuration and dissection, and the swelling just dissipates. In this case, you can decide independently which ointment to treat barley.


When barley appears on the century, not everyone knows how to treat it, and try to open the barley or squeeze out the contents. This can cause the spread of infection, inflammation of the orbit and meninges, which can lead to death.

As with any inflammatory process, the internal barley can not be treated by heat with the help of warming compresses, as this only promotes the spread of inflammation and the formation of an abscess.

During treatment, it is contraindicated to use cosmetics and wear contact lenses.

For the treatment of barley, the following methods are used:

  1. While the barley is not ripe, it is worth treating it with ethyl alcohol or an alcohol solution of iodine or zelenka.
  2. To treat barley will help both antibacterial drops, and eye ointments.
  3. According to the doctor's prescription, if the body temperature is not increased, you can undergo UHF therapy to accelerate the maturation of barley.

In this disease can be used drugs that are aimed at enhancing the body's defenses. The problem of how to treat barley during pregnancy will be solved by the same methods and medicines that are used for all other patients. But if strong drugs cause fears in you, then you can resort to grandmother's advice, the more so that in solving the question of how to treat barley with folk remedies, there is also a scientific background.

Rapid disposal of barley is guaranteed by various medicinal lotions from the brewing of strong black tea, decoction of chamomile and calendula flowers, and also aloe juice.

Anti-inflammatory folk therapy recommends how to treat barley with a warm egg, and use other dry heat, for example, heated salt wrapped in a small piece of tissue. A strong immunity and hygiene are the best prevention of the onset of this insidious disease.