Cream for hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids refers to the group of diseases that many are trying to hide. Even the proctologist is treated in cases when the pain from the inflamed hemorrhoids becomes unbearable, and the discomfort arising in this case makes the habitual way of life impossible.

Creams for the treatment of hemorrhoids

The most effective remedy for hemorrhoids in the initial stages are the creams with directed action. Any of the creams against hemorrhoids contains substances that have a soothing effect on the irritated zone. In addition, the constituent components have an analgesic effect, and they also reduce edema in the rectal part. We present creams from hemorrhoids, which are among the best and most popular remedies.

Heparin ointment

Heparin ointment promotes resorption of hematoma formations and removes the inflammatory process. This drug has virtually no contraindications, it can safely be used even by pregnant women who are faced with the problem of the appearance of hemorrhoid cones. Despite the fact that heparin ointment does not belong to the newfangled remedies, many patients prefer to use this cream for treatment.

Ointment Gepatrombin

Hepatrombin is considered a remedy for the treatment of external hemorrhoids . Due to the content of heparin and allantoin, the ointment has a pronounced anesthetic and thrombolytic effect.

Cream Relief

Cream from hemorrhoids Relief is a bio-drug that eliminates pain, itching and burning in the rectal zone. A pharmaceutical product containing fat and mineral white oils in the shark forms a film on the treated surface of the body that protects the skin from drying, so that cracks and ulcers do not form in damaged areas.

Cream-balm Troxerutin

The composition of the cream from the hemorrhoids Troxerutin includes sea buckthorn oil and propolis extract. The drug already at the first application removes painful sensations, eliminates spotting. In addition, Troxerutin is a powerful antiseptic and prevents complications from the formation of hemorrhoids .

Wax cream

Cream-wax from hemorrhoids Healthy contains natural medicinal substances, due to which it is absolutely safe. The drug stops even a strong inflammation, relieves itching and burning in the anal area, prevents bleeding and the formation of cracks. With regular application of the cream, the vascular network is strengthened in the area where the cream penetrates.

Cream Purple jasper

The universal effect has also a therapeutic cream from hemorrhoids Purple jasper. The preparation is made on the basis of prescriptions of ancient Chinese medicine and includes extracts of angelica and rhubarb, as well as natural fatty substances. Cream Purple jasper quickly relieves pain and irritation in inflamed nodes, has a significant antibacterial effect.

Cream Tiger's Eye

A popular remedy for hemorrhoids The tiger eye in its composition contains plant components and a complex of vitamins. Along with the general therapeutic effect of the cream eliminates stagnant phenomena in the blood vessels and increases the elasticity of the walls in the veins.

Ouro Aurobin

The standard components and complex of vitamins contained in the Aurobin Ointment provide the fastest healing of cracks in the rectal area.

When choosing a remedy for hemorrhoids, it is advisable to seek the advice of an experienced proctologist, even if the hemorrhoids bother you from time to time. The doctor probably will recommend exactly the drug that is required for your symptomatology of the disease.