Mycobacterium tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is one of the most insidious diseases due to the fact that in most cases it proceeds practically without symptoms. This is due to the fact that the causative agent of the disease, mycobacterium tuberculosis, for a long time do not have a toxic effect on the human body, developing in its closed system. As a result, colonies of bacteria grow slowly, but getting rid of them becomes very difficult. The affected organ is rarely restored.

When is it necessary to carry out a blood test for mycobacterium tuberculosis?

To date, scientists know more than 20 types of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MBT) and related microorganisms. The greatest danger to humans is represented by M. tuberculosis, the same wand of Koch. It is this bacterium that causes disease in 90% of cases. The inhabitants of Africa and Asia are also often infected with the bacteria of M. bovis and M. africanum species, which are widespread in tropical latitudes. These pathogens are recorded in 5% and 3% of cases, respectively. The remaining 2% of patients receive tuberculosis from mycobacteria of related species:

They can live both in the human body and in some animals. That's why raw milk, blood or meat often causes illness. All these bacteria are prokaryotes, due to their gene structure able to adapt to the action of antibiotics.

Determine what kind of medicine will be effective in each specific case, can only be experienced. Microbiology classifies mycobacterium tuberculosis as one of the most persistent - in sputum they can live for years, are resistant to alcohol and high temperatures.

The analysis on mycobacterium tuberculosis can be based on several methods:

The blood test is the most accurate, and there are several different technologies for it, which cover the different needs of doctors - depending on the location of the foci of infection and the patient's symptoms.

Features of drug resistance of mycobacterium tuberculosis

The resistance of MBT to antibiotics can be overcome with the help of intensive therapy. At the same time, 3 to 5 different antibacterial drugs can be prescribed, which are replaced after a certain time interval by others. This allows you to find the most suitable medicine and then build a treatment scheme around it.