Art therapy - exercises

There are many options for solving inner feelings and human problems. One of the most effective methods used in psychology is art therapy. Exercises are based on a creative approach, a non-verbal expression of oneself. The practical part allows you to find answers to people's questions, to cope with internal contradictions and fears. Read more below.

Step by step

Art therapy techniques are used when the following problems exist:

A similar form of psychotherapeutic work involves individual and group classes in art therapy. Sessions are focused on raising self-esteem and confidence, creating a new, more successful image of oneself.

It's no secret that art and creativity have healing properties. An enthusiastic person for a time forgets about his problems and anxieties. In his work he finds the opportunity to open himself, to "pour out" the soul. Whether it's on paper or stucco from clay.

As types of art therapy can be identified as follows:

The main component of the exercises are varieties of art: painting, graphics, sculpture, design and other forms of creativity. A person in this process is viewed not as a patient, but as a person, striving for self-knowledge, self-development and the expansion of his capabilities.

For the session it is important to observe certain conditions:

Art-therapy by drawing

The technique of "three receptions" will help you to understand your inner state: drawing yourself, drawing your state and collage. The task of the first exercise is to introduce ourselves to the group, using only non-verbal techniques. It can be an illustration of the values ​​and interests of a person, his way of life, attitude.

To display your state, first of all, two to three minutes are given for "fixing" the sensations and feelings that arise at that time. You need to draw what comes to mind. This is very important for psychoanalysis. After all members of the group finish the assignment, you can share your impressions of each drawing. The specialist, meanwhile, analyzes the drawing and draws conclusions.

Collage is used both in the individual session, and in group sessions. It can include drawings, personal photos that a person has made himself, or on which he is imprinted. Fear of evaluation, associated with uncertainty in their artistic abilities, does not arise when creating a collage. This technique guarantees a successful result for everyone.

Musical Art Therapy

Treatment through music is a psychotherapeutic method based on the healing effects of melodies and sounds on a person's psychological health. This type of treatment consists in a comprehensive recovery of the body through the auditory, bioresonance and vibrotactyl factors.

The musical rhythmic background stimulates the physiological processes in the body. Producing a kind of "tuning frequencies", music can adjust the rhythms of individual human organs. For example, the body has a strengthening effect on the entire body. The sounds of the clarinet have a beneficial effect on the liver. The saxophone is useful for listening to the genitourinary system, and string instruments soothe the heart.

Do your creativity, let your imagination go and be healthy.