Hormonal disbalance

Sooner or later, any woman faces endocrine problems. In this article, we will consider how to determine the hormonal failure in the body and what are the causes of its appearance in girls. We will find out what methods exist for normalizing the state and preventing undesirable consequences.

Why there is a hormonal failure?

First of all, it is worth noting that the failure of the hormonal background is not always a pathology. This is quite normal in the following cases:

  1. Adolescence , when the girl's body is preparing for the first month and gaining the ability to procreate.
  2. Pregnancy , when the growth and development of the fetus significantly change the level of a hormone.
  3. Climax , when a woman ceases to be fertile and sex hormones gradually cease to be produced.

In other cases, hormonal failure occurs for the following reasons:

Signs and symptoms of hormonal failure in girls

The most obvious symptoms are the irregular cycle and premenstrual syndrome. If you do not pay attention to these factors in time, further dangerous diseases of the sexual sphere develop - the consequences of hormonal failure, such as endometriosis , infertility, mastopathy.

More than 80% of girls complain of acne due to hormonal failure. And the rashes are localized in the chin and cheekbones, under the skin, are large and quite painful when palpated.

Another notable sign of hormonal failure is hirsutism. The girls begin to appear dark tight hairs near the nipples, above the upper lip and in the hips.

In addition, women with endocrine problems, inherent following features:

Hormonal failure: what to do and how to establish a normal background

Suspected of an imbalance of hormones, it is necessary to pass a survey with a specialist. After the examination, the doctor will send for the necessary tests for hormones, indicating the day of the cycle, in which it is expedient to check them. And only after deciphering the results can be appointed adequate treatment. Therefore, do not look for advice on the forums or ask the familiar women what to do with hormonal failure.

Self-medication and prescription of drugs are fraught with not only negative consequences, but also complications of many concomitant diseases. Subsequently, you will have to spend much more material resources and time on therapy.

Treatment of folk hormones in girls

It should be remembered that folk methods are only supportive treatment. They are not able to cure the disease as a monotherapy. In addition, deciding to use non-traditional medicine for hormonal failure, you need to consult a doctor gynecologist-endocrinologist. There is a danger of aggravating the situation by taking excessive amounts of phytoestrogens, which are rich in medicinal plants.

Only safe national approaches are recommended: