Laceril lacquer

Onycomicosis is an unpleasant disease that everyone can face. The most common pathogens of fungal infection of nails are dermatophytes, less often - microsporia, trichophytosis and epidermophytia. Pathologies are more susceptible to people with a weakened immune system - after a course of antibiotic therapy, prolonged use of corticosteroids, severe illnesses, etc.

Features of treatment of nail fungus

Treatment of nail fungus is a complex and lengthy process. At the initial stages, the use of local antimycotics is sufficient. With complicated and neglected onychomycosis , in addition to the local one, systemic antifungal therapy is applied, as well as surgical removal of the affected tissues. One of the new external drugs that are used for this pathology is the laceril lacquer.

Composition and action of varnish from nail fungus Lotseril

The active substance of this drug is amorolfina hydrochloride (a morpholine derivative). Additional varnish components:

Amorolfina hydrochloride is a compound with a wide spectrum of action against various species of fungi (yeast, mold, dermatophytes, actinomycetes, dimorphic fungi, etc.). The mechanism of its action is associated with the ability to disrupt the structure of the cell membranes of fungi, thereby preventing their reproduction and causing death. Depending on the concentration, Loceril shows fungistatic and fungicidal properties.

Laceril varnish against the nail fungus after application penetrates well into the keratin layer and the nail bed. At the same time, the concentration of the drug necessary to achieve a positive effect persists for 7-10 days after the application. The medicine practically does not produce a systemic effect on the body and does not accumulate even after prolonged therapy. The drug is effective in the case when the area of ​​the nail plate does not exceed two thirds. It can also be used for preventive purposes.

Method of application of lacerol

Laceril lacquer can be applied from the nail fungus, both on the legs and on the hands. In the package means, in addition to the lacquer, there are also nail files, spatulas for drug application and tampons impregnated with alcohol, for the treatment of nails. According to the instruction, the nail polish Loceril is applied according to the following scheme:

  1. Using a nail file, remove the damaged part of the nail plate.
  2. Treat the nail with an alcohol swab for cleaning and degreasing.
  3. Shaking the bottle, open and douse the spatula, while trying not to touch the edges of the neck.
  4. Apply a thin layer of nail polish to the affected nail.
  5. Close the vial tightly with the product.
  6. Allow the varnish to dry for at least three minutes.
  7. Wipe the spatula with the same tampon impregnated with alcohol.

The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a week. Before each new application of varnish, the old layer should be removed with an ordinary cosmetic nail polish remover. When using Lotseril do not use cosmetic nail polish, false nails, etc., and in case of contact with aggressive media use protective gloves.

The duration of treatment of nail fungus with this drug can be 6-12 months, depending on the severity of the lesion. Use Lotseril continuously until all the signs of fungal damage disappear.

Contraindications to the use of lacerol: