Cracks in the hands

At all times, well-groomed hands were one of the main virtues of a woman, which showed her attitude to her appearance and health. Unfortunately, it is not easy to maintain the skin of the hands in perfect condition all the time. there are a large number of factors that adversely affect it. One of the problems may be the appearance of cracks in the hands, which looks not only unaesthetic, but can have more serious consequences.

Why do cracks appear on the hands?

The causes of the appearance of cracks in the skin of the hands can be divided into external and internal. External are:

Internal causes are associated with various disabilities in the body, resulting in the skin becoming dry, rough, and on it cracks are formed. These include:

How to treat cracks in the hands?

The appearance of cracks is dangerous because the bacteria and contaminants that get into them can cause inflammation, suppuration. Therefore, treatment must begin immediately. If the appearance of cracks is associated with some pathology in the body, then, first of all, you need to take steps to eliminate it, for which you should consult a doctor.

If the cracks appeared due to external negative factors, you can cope with the problem yourself. First, it is necessary to limit contact of hands with an irritating factor. Those. It is necessary to use protective gloves, carefully clean hands of dirt, protect from UV radiation with the help of special tools.

It should be several times a day, especially after washing, grease your hands with a fat cream. Cracks on the hands are well helped by ointments and creams with vitamins A, E, dexpanthenol, which contribute to the acceleration of regeneration. You can use children's cream, Radevit, Bepanten , as well as vegetable oils - olive, almond, etc. On cracks it is recommended to apply ointment of calendula or plantain, possessing bactericidal and wound-healing properties.

Effective at cracking warm softening hands for the hands, which can be done before bedtime (10 - 15 minutes), applying one of the recipes:

  1. Dilute in a liter of water two tablespoons of potato starch.
  2. Boil in a liter of water 3 tablespoons of flax seeds for 15 - 20 minutes.
  3. Boil 100 liters of ground oats in a liter of water for 15 to 20 minutes.