Amplipulse therapy - indications and contraindications

Treatment with the use of electric current is used in physiotherapeutic practice and as an independent method, and as an addition to complex schemes. One of the methods of influence is amplipulse therapy - indications and contraindications to the procedure include a rather large list of diseases, therefore its use is allowed only for the purpose of a specialist.

Indications for amplipulse therapy

The presented type of treatment with alternating current is recommended for such pathologies:

It should be noted that most often amplipulse therapy is prescribed for osteochondrosis. This method perfectly eliminates pain, improves mobility of the spine, reduces salt deposits and restores cartilaginous tissue. As a rule, the effect of the current is necessarily combined with the intake of medications, curative gymnastics and local medications.

Apparatus for amplipulse therapy

For today in clinics such devices are used:

Each device is equipped with electrodes with a set of different fastenings for certain parts of the body. The current strength, pulse duration and procedure are regulated by switches on the main unit of the device.

Contraindications to amplipulse therapy

The method is not recommended for: