Cyst of sinus of nose

Frequent inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes of the maxillary sinuses ( sinusitis ) lead to their thickening. Over time, because of this, the channels responsible for the normal excretion of mucus from the glands are clogged. As a result, a sinus cyst is formed - a pathological benign growth that is a cavity with dense two-layer walls filled with a mucus secret.

What is dangerous cyst in the sinuses of the nose?

Small neoplasms do not manifest themselves in any way and, in fact, do not pose a threat to health. Most often, the symptoms of the cyst in the sinus of the nose are generally absent, and it is found by chance, when performing diagnostic manipulations.

Large cysts, complicated by the attachment of the inflammatory process, tend to rot and increase in size. In such cases, the risk of increasing intracranial pressure and the associated consequences are high. In addition, the tumor can burst, which will be accompanied by leakage of purulent masses into the nasal cavity, infection of nearby tissues and even necrosis.

Treatment of cysts in the sinus of the nose

In the asymptomatic course of the pathology, no therapeutic manipulation is performed. In such situations, dynamic regular observation of the patient with monitoring of the build-up condition is recommended.

When a large tumor is detected that provokes compression on the walls of the maxillary bones, surgical removal of the benign lesion is prescribed. Treatment of such a cyst in the sinus of the nose without surgery is impossible, since no medication or physiotherapy techniques of influence will produce the desired effect.

Removal of the build-up can be carried out by the classical method (Caldwell-Lucas), but a minimally invasive technique - micro-haemorrhythmia is more preferable.