How many live snails of ahhatina?

Many owners, for sure, want to get a pet. But the need to walk and the hair that causes allergies, stop a person to make their choice in favor of a cat or a dog. The best option in this case is the snail of ahaatin .

This is an amazing animal, which differs both in its huge size and in its mind. Children with pleasure and great interest will observe how the snail crawls along the wall of the terrarium. These pets can also positively affect the nervous system of an adult, calming it and distracting from problems.

Of course, it is interesting for all owners of these animals to know how many Akhatines live in captivity, and what needs to be done in order to maximize their lives. After all, I want so much that my beloved does not need anything and gets all the best from his masters.

Ahatiny at home

The average age of these animals in captivity reaches 5 years. There are times when a pet enjoys life and everything 10. Basically, how many years the snails of ahatina live are influenced by the conditions in which they are.

A home for animals can become both a terrarium and an aquarium, it can also be built with your own hands. Correctly selected soil , humidity level and temperature of about 25-28 degrees - wonderful conditions, created in the terrarium, where your snail ahatina lives. Remember that one pet requires about 10 liters of volume. At the bottom of the dwelling is best to lay loose and soft soil in a thickness of 5-10 cm, it should also not be floral, because it contains various chemicals.

How much snails of Akhatina live are affected by the food they take. Nutrition should be eaten by mushrooms, boiled eggs, corn, raw vegetables and fruits, as well as peas. These products must be present in the diet of pets. True, it is better to rotate them so that the snails do not like anything definite. Do not forget about the chalk and shredded shell eggs, which are direct sources of calcium.