How to get rid of mold in the bathroom?

Microscopic fungi can cover not only the organic matter, but also the walls in the room. Almost ideal conditions for this scourge arise in the bathroom, where there is high humidity and a comfortable temperature for the mold. If you do not already have black divorces on the walls, but already there is a damp-putrid odor, you can start looking for ways to permanently get rid of mold in the bathroom. This is a sure sign of the early appearance of a harmful fungus. The first of his attack will be corners of the room, joints, slopes, secluded, poorly ventilated places, seams between the tiles.

Why does mold appear?

Ideal conditions for fungi are created under the influence of many factors. Here are some of the most likely causes of mold:

  1. High humidity in the room with poor ventilation.
  2. Absence of waterproofing or violation of technology in the performance of these works.
  3. Old wooden windows .
  4. Plastic windows are new, but they are of poor quality or installed incorrectly.
  5. Uneven heating space in the living room.
  6. Defective plumbing.

How to quickly get rid of mold in the bathroom?

  1. Preventive work is of paramount importance. We carefully pack the pipes on which condensate occurs. Joints are desirable to be treated with a sealant. We replace all leaking faucets, we cover the boxes and other communication with heat-insulating paint. We buy a powerful hood, properly clean the grill on ventilation, install it on the windows of the window and a couple of times a day we make ventilation.
  2. In the case, how to get rid of mold on the walls in the bathroom, help with different medications. The old proven means is copper sulfate. We brew 100 g of vitriol in 10 liters of water and apply the composition on the walls with a brush. After a few hours, the surface is cleaned and then dried, and the room is well ventilated.
  3. Aqueous solution of bleach (10: 1) with a sponge, rag or brush is applied to the wall. To wash the compound is not necessary, it will be absorbed and become a barrier to the fungus.
  4. Decide how to get rid of the tile in the bathroom from mold, you need fast. If it only began to spread, then grouting of seams will help. If the moment is missed, the mushrooms can penetrate deeper, and it will be necessary to dismantle the coating. Very well help them with modern ready-made products - Homeenposto (TIKKURILA), RENOGAL, Fongifluid (ALPA), Senezh Effo and others.

You need to know how to get rid of the bathroom from mold on the ceiling and walls.

After all, a black coating on a decorative surface is not the only problem that harmful organisms bring. Tiny spores can greatly impair immunity, provoke allergies, affect mucous membranes and many internal organs. Therefore, the rapid solution of this problem depends on the health of all tenants at home.