Exotic cats

In the middle of the last century, American breeders tried to expand the palette of the color of American shorthair cats and weight them light enough. This was done by crossing domestic cats with Persian cats. They expected to get as a result of short-haired American kittens having a green eye color and a variety of coat colors. But all their expectations were crossed out by the appearance of kittens having an appearance very reminiscent of Persian . From their American parents, cats received only short, thick and velvety hair. So the result of this experiment was the emergence of a new breed of cats - exotic short-haired.

Exotic Shorthair Cats

The standard of exotic shorthair cat (Exotic Shorthair) was adopted in 1966. It completely coincided with the standard of the Persians, including color. The differences in the standards relate exclusively to the characteristics of the wool. And since 1990, an agreement was adopted that determined that all changes in the standard of the Persians also apply to the exotic standard.

Domestic exotic cats have a stocky, heavy-boned and perfectly balanced body with rounded lines. Small ears on the large head are directed forward. The eyes, large and round, are widely spaced. But a feature in the appearance of exotics is a short snub nose that gives the muzzle expressiveness and attractiveness.

Having a benevolent, calm and gentle character, the exotic cat, unlike the phlegmatic Persian, is very cheerful and inquisitive. This is a very affectionate and affectionate cat, which at every opportunity tries to show its feelings to the owner. However, natural upbringing does not allow her to bother the owners with her love. On her hands to you she jumps, only seeing the inviting look.

Plush exotic cat does not require special conditions of detention. Because of the lack of long luxurious wool of Persians, comb it enough once a week. It is recommended to do this for massage of the skin and removal of dead wool. Bathing exotics can be in proportion to the contamination with the use of any specially shampoo for cats. But after water procedures, the cat should be carefully dried with a hair dryer so that moisture does not accumulate in the thick undercoat. It is necessary to regularly cut the claws and take care of the ears, nose and eyes. As for the feeding of exotics, it consists of the most ordinary balanced food. Walking in the open air is not a prerequisite for keeping exotic. But they really love to luxuriate in the sun, so they need at least occasionally taken out for a walk to pamper their pet.

Exotic longhaired cat

Occasionally, kittens with long hair appear in the litters of short-haired exotics. This incidental phenomenon of the breed was called exotic longhair cat (Exotic Longhair). Long-haired exotics are not prohibited from participating in competitions, but they are not given titles.

Externally, the most exotic cats are no different from ordinary exotics, except for the length of the coat. Character they have the same open and active. Perhaps, only they inherited from the Persians a little more phlegmaticness than their short-haired brethren. Caring for an exotic longhaired cat is a bit more complicated than for a short-haired cat. After all, long wool can fall down and roll into coils . And in order to avoid this, you need to comb it out with a special brush.