Products that accelerate metabolism

With age in our body, metabolism is slower. Therefore, gradually we need fewer calories. For the good of your body, you need to change your diet. But you can, without sacrificing your taste preferences, do not gain extra pounds. To achieve this, you need to add some foods to your diet to speed up the metabolism.

Products that accelerate metabolism

What products must be used to speed up the process of metabolism? Water, hot pepper, tea are some of the foods that can speed up the metabolism. Below you will find in more detail about all the stimulants of metabolism. There are a whole list of them:

  1. Lean meat and foods that contain large amounts of protein (fish, chicken). Also in the diet must necessarily include fats and carbohydrates, which are suppliers of nutrients and are absent in protein products.
  2. Spice. Excellent accelerate the metabolism of spices, in particular hot pepper. It increases the metabolic rate by 50%. The blame for this is the quickening of the heart. Such a malfunction may threaten the acceleration of blood circulation, and accordingly an additional expenditure of energy.
  3. Citrus. Well stimulate the metabolism of lemon, grapefruit, mandarin and other types of citrus fruits. In addition, they contain vitamin C, which is necessary to maintain immunity and good digestion, as well as prevent diseases of many vital organs.
  4. Whole-grain products. In products from whole grains contains a lot of fiber. And for its processing the body needs to spend a lot of effort. Therefore, the body spends more calories, due to which the metabolic processes are accelerated.
  5. Water. It is a necessary element for good processing of substances and burning calories. It is not necessary to press strongly on juices and soda water. They contain a lot of sugar.
  6. Green tea. This product has many useful properties, for example, the acceleration of metabolism. For a day you need 3-4 cups of tea. It will help to spend an additional 50-60 kilocalories of energy.
  7. Nuts. They contain a sufficient amount of protein, useful fats and other rare trace elements. After eating a few nuts, you can forget about hunger for a long time. But do not get involved in their use - they are very caloric.

Also, do not lose sight of folk medicine, which can boast the presence of herbs to accelerate the metabolism. But before using these herbs you should consult a doctor and find out which of them may be contraindicated to you. To improve the metabolism, you need to take such herbs as a string, leaves and burdock root, walnut, black elder flowers, birch leaves, hop cones, dark blue grass, cocklebur grass, licorice root and bedrock grass. You need to pour one tablespoon of the mixture with boiling water. You need to insist like tea. Use this broth is necessary between meals, as well as at night.

To improve metabolic processes, it is very good to take cold tea from fresh melissa flowers. Among the herbs that are used to accelerate the metabolism, one of the most important plants is a dandelion medicinal. With its help, the acid-base balance is normalized, and the liver functions are restored. Also with the help of dandelion, joints and atherosclerosis can be treated.

The basis of the diet for accelerating the metabolism, are two important rules:

Adhering to a diet, you need to remember that you need to drink only green tea and clean water, but you should not abuse coffee. You can drink one cup in the morning.