How to behave, if a man moves away?

Go through life, hand in hand with your beloved dream of many, but this is not possible for everyone. Often, the problem can be solved at the very beginning, but due to improper actions it is aggravated, and everything ends in a gap. Why does a man generally move away from a woman, what to do, if this happens and how to behave is not worth it - all this can be learned from our article.

Why does a man move away from a woman?

First, it would be nice to understand what you mean by distance. If in your habit of calling every hour, and then at home not to give a minute of privacy, it's no surprise that a man wants to cut for himself at least a little time. It will be more a legal rest than a distance.

  1. Mistress . Quite another matter, if there were no such distortions in the relationship, but the man still became more secretive, stopped discussing what had previously been the subject of conversations. The reason for this behavior may be the appearance of a new passion or difficult problems that he does not want to burden you with.
  2. Fatigue . The possibility of ordinary fatigue , associated with a great nervous strain, should not be ruled out.
  3. Slump before another rise . Also it is worthwhile to understand that the periodic chill in the relationship is not something supernatural, a small distance is quite normal, even if it seems to you otherwise. After a big rise there is always a decline, and in your power to make it not so fast.

How to behave, if a man moves away?

  1. Pause . More often than not, women, having felt a small discord, are trying with all their strength to stir up her lover, which can not be called right. Remember your periods of reluctance to communicate with anyone, you would also have such persistence irritated. So the wisest in such a situation is to give the man a short pause to let him sort out his thoughts. Of course, before this, it is worthwhile to consider what can be caused by such alienation, maybe the blame on your eve.
  2. Unobtrusively talk about the problem . The question of what to do if a man moves away not for a short while, and how to behave in this case, is quite natural. It would also be nice to find out what this behavior is about. Only it is necessary to do this not by constant questions, which will finally lead him out of balance. Help your loved one to relax, in this state, many moments are not perceived so acute, so the desire to talk about problems can appear. And if you started listening, show real participation, try to come up with ways out of a difficult situation, and do not say that all this is nonsense, and he comes to the oppressed state due to the trivial details.