Diet on the water

Although no one bothers us to drink water, yet we are much more likely than hunger to forget to quench our thirst. And after all the person initially on 70% consists of water. There is so much fluid in us, but this liquid, like any other, evaporates, and is also excreted by the body. We must not only replenish our physiological fluid, but also replace what is. After all, what is going on in our body under the guise of digestive processes is not the cleanest thing.

You must have seen how tender the skin is in infants. Of course, their pens have not yet come in contact with detergents, they have not been weathered, they have not frozen, but the main reason is that they have a lot of water. And a man without water grows old not only with the skin, but with every cell of every organ and system.

Therefore, a diet on the water is, first of all, a period when you consciously drink water. Everything else is secondary.

Diet on lemon and water

There is one simple way to make ordinary, most often tasteless water fragrant, interesting, saturated with vitamins. This is a lemon. With the help of lemon, a diet on water is enriched with a number of useful substances:

It is proved, diet on water with a lemon promotes acceleration of digestion. Citric acid helps the stomach to actively cope with digestion of food, pectin cleanses the intestines, absorbing into itself, like a sponge, all the products of decay. Due to the rich in vitamins composition (especially, as you understand, vitamin C), the lemon helps to raise the mood, improve memory and immunity .

The diet on lemon water has a lot of variations - in principle, everyone can make their own scheme based on individual preferences and expectations from the diet.

The easiest way to get healthier on a lemon is to drink lemon water 2 to 3 times a day between meals, instead of snacks. So, you will get rid of excess calories, eaten on the go, and the body will be actively cleared.

The second option is a weekly diet.

Day 1:

Day 2:

Day 3, 4, 5, 6, 7:

If it is too sour for you - add a teaspoon of water ½ tsp. honey.

Cold water slows digestion, so drink it slightly warm. The first glass should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.

Lemon diet is contraindicated for people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases with high acidity. And in order that the enamel is not destroyed by citric acid, we recommend rinsing the mouth with clean water, after each serving of lemon drink.

Apples and water

Another option of losing weight is a diet on apples and water. Apples are an excellent source of vitamins all year round. Alas, not in season, but also, being brought from a distance, they contain much less vitamins than the fruits plucked yesterday - eaten today.

Nevertheless, apples are famous for their high content of vitamins A , C, B, pectin, and also 87% water content. Apples help the pancreas recover and normalize the production of insulin, they interfere with the formation of uric acid and contribute to the breakdown of the formic. And these are well-known terms for patients with gout, rheumatism, eczema.

Apples have a favorable effect on the nervous system, improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails, and also strengthen the eyesight.

The first variant of the diet is a three-day unloading. Every day you eat any number of apples and drink 8 glasses of water.

The second option is a diet of 3 apples a day. This way should take root under your guise, as a famous saying of the English says that if there are apples every day, the doctor will not be needed. Eat on an apple before eating - you will not only reduce the feeling of hunger, but also speed up the process of digesting the eaten.