How to hide treason?

If you do not want your treason to destroy the family, you must do everything possible and not possible, so that the husband does not find out about it. If everything is carefully thought out and follow the plan, then the probability of failure is reduced to a minimum.

Behave as if nothing had happened

Often, female emotionality can influence behavior. Your task is to behave as naturally as possible, not to change your habits. So that you can justify yourself before your husband's absence, you need to come up with a plan for retreat. For example, tell him that in a beauty salon you met a woman who has now become your real friend. It's best if you also get to know him with her. Thus, under the pretext of meeting with a friend you can hide treason. Very often, women feel guilty and try to make it up to her husband, showing excessive custody and care, which is very suspicious. Control yourself, your task is to be as calm and balanced as possible.

Keep secret

Even if you think that your girlfriends are the best, and they will never betray, the fact of treason is better kept secret, since there is little that can happen. Well, if you still blabbed, then as much as possible protect the girlfriend from meetings when you are with her husband.

Change the route

Assign a lover meeting at the other end of the city so you do not go with him to the same shops, restaurants and bars that you go with your husband. Since the employees of institutions can accidentally put you in a very awkward position, saying, for example, "Will you order, as usual?" Or "How did the blouse you bought that week?".

You were detected

For example, a husband or his friends saw you with an unfamiliar man. In this case, only good self-confidence will help, you should be sure of innocence and then before the husband you will not be justified, blush and worry. I need to tell him that this is an old friend who came to his homeland, and you accidentally met. If this is said with confidence, and then again, and blaming her husband for distrust, then the plan will definitely work.

Hide your new features

If the lover taught you to understand cars or expensive wine, then you do not need to share knowledge with your husband, as he will be keenly interested in where you learned this. Control yourself from bed with your husband, do not show him the new "tricks" that the lover loves so much.

Only cash

If you pay for something during meetings with your lover, do not use credit cards or other means of payment in which you can trace transactions with money, pay only in cash.

Do not leave traces

Watch yourself, keep secrecy. Delete messages, calls, in the phone book name a female name, on social networks do not add it to friends, in general, no hints of betrayal. If you at least once pierce, and her husband sees something strange, then hiding will be much more difficult. After meetings with your lover, take a shower before you get home, you do not need the smell of another man in the house. Do not push your husband away, have sex, spend all your holidays with your family, always answer his calls and from time to time make scandals about his suspicion of treason.

Keep the distance

Do not tell your lover where exactly you work, address of residence and so on. Maybe for him it's not just sex and he wants to have a serious talk with your husband, which is completely undesirable.


Now you know how you can hide from your spouse treason. But all the same before you do this think, it may be easier to work on relations with the husband and return the love and passion than to look for them in bed with another.