How to wear a bandage after childbirth?

One of the devices that can help a woman survive the postpartum period and fix the shortcomings in her figure is a bandage. Of course, not every young mother needs it, but sometimes it is necessary. In this article, we will tell you in which cases doctors recommend wearing a bandage after childbirth, and how to do it correctly.

Indications and contraindications for the use of the postpartum bandage

The bandage after delivery should be worn in the following cases:

In addition, a woman can use this device and herself to order the figure as quickly as possible, but only in the absence of contraindications. In this case it is: inflamed seams on the perineum, excessive puffiness and allergic reactions to synthetic materials, from which the device is made.

How to dress a bandage after childbirth?

The way to dress the bandage depends on its variety, namely:

  1. The simplest and most popular band is universal, which can be used during the entire period of pregnancy, as well as after it. Only to wear a universal bandage after childbirth is not as necessary as before the appearance of the baby, but, on the contrary, by the wide part forward. To put it on should be in a lying position, fixing the fastener on the back so that it supports it.
  2. Bandage in the form of panties is dressed as the corresponding underwear, and its dense tissue is distributed over the entire surface of the abdomen.
  3. The Bermuda bandage is also worn like ordinary panties, but it additionally has elongated "trousers" that are distributed over the hips.
  4. Finally, the bandage skirt, which is a strip of fabric on velcro, is put over the underwear so that the waist and upper thighs are closed, and then fastened.

How long to wear a bandage after giving birth?

Terms of wearing a bandage depend on the individual characteristics of the course of the postpartum period of each woman and range from 4 to 6 weeks. In the event that the use of this device is recommended by a doctor, the duration of its wearing should also be determined by the doctor.

If a woman does this at her own request to get rid of the tummy that has appeared, the period of wearing the bandage will depend on how quickly the figure comes back to normal. Nevertheless, for more than 6 weeks after delivery, the bandage should not be worn, because after this time it becomes useless.