How to cause snow?

Often in winter, especially before the holidays, I want a fairy tale, but what better than snow helps me tune in to magic? The man can not order the weather, but it is known how to cause snow with the help of magic . Such rituals were used in antiquity in order to save the harvest by winter crops.

By the magic of the elements, a huge number of people are fond of this day. Thanks to simple rituals, you can change the weather, cause rain, fog, lightning, and, of course, snow. In general, to conduct the above rituals, it is not necessary to have magical abilities, most importantly, to believe in a successful outcome.

How to cause snow with the help of magic?

For the ritual, you need to take a saucer, a candle, thread and rose petals, you can both fresh and dry. All items must be exclusively white. It is best to conduct the ritual on Thursday. Before you cause snow and read the spell, you need to tune in to the right mode. For some time, sit in silence, imagine how the snow falls. Draw a circle in it, put a candle, and around it lay the petals. Light the candle and, without taking your eyes off the flame, say:

"Great gods, I call to you,

Today you help me,

After all, it is subject to all-powerful gods.

On the ground you bring snow. "

Mentally imagine how snowflakes fall from the sky, and repeat the spell several more times. Then bring the thread to the fire, and when it lights up, put it in the saucer. For while the thread will burn, it is necessary to say:

"You heard the songs of the sea,

You saw the birth of the earth,

You are able to control the elements,

You know how to control the weather.

The forces that called for,

Who I ask

Help me:

Fulfill my request.

May it be so!"

Another way to call snow

This rite was often used by people living in villages to save grain. To cause snow, you can use both feathers and feathers, and the spell must be read while holding the selected items. To conduct the ritual is in the evening, so that in the morning the weather changed, and it began to snow. The plot sounds like this:

"Fly feathers, fly,

The same light and white lead.

Come together my word and my covenant,

Come to the fields of God's white snow,

Cover the earth, refresh the nast.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now, ever, for ever and ever.


Such rituals must be carried out only by those who really believe in its strength. The options "for the sake of interest" will not yield any result. It is also important when reading a plot to imagine snow and feel the accumulation of energy.