Aquarium crawfish

Aquarium crayfish are slow creatures. However, if you experience constant stress - they will give you a piece of their calmness and dimensionality.

What it is necessary to know, that the maintenance and reproduction of aquarium crayfish was not a burden, and "kleshverruki" would live comfortably?

First, crayfish like clean, warm (21-27 ° C) water enriched with oxygen. Remember that a small crustacean in 5 centimeters needs 15 liters. Further consider yourself.

And the process of reproduction is a whole spectacle, which follows immediately after molting. Cancers approach each other and touch the antennas. It seems like a wedding dance. After 20 days, the female begins laying eggs, which are attached under the maternal belly. During this period, mama-cancer becomes more aggressive, so it is better to drop it.

With the appearance of tiny crustaceans, the burden of the female becomes heavier. It remains to wait for the first molt of children. Although for some time they will stay closer to my mother.

For the comfort of the growing generation in the aquarium, the presence of snags, protrusions, and stones is necessary. Kids prefer to hide somewhere most of the time, as older individuals constantly try to attack them.

Types of aquarium crayfish

Widespread cancer is found both in Europe and in Russia. He likes to dig holes in solid ground. The males of this cancer are up to fifteen centimeters long, and the female is three centimeters shorter. Life expectancy is fifteen to twenty years. And care is unusually simple.

In the South, you can find a thin-skinned cancer . But he is so unpretentious that he can be found in Siberia. Lives in flowing and standing water under snags, rocks, among algae. It seems that the crustacean does not sleep at all. He constantly moves, he is always busy with something. It's a pity he does not breed in captivity.

Red Florida cancer has come to us from the Western Hemisphere. Can live in lakes, rivers and even in swamps. He perfectly tolerates the cold, multiplies well in captivity. These aquarium crayfish have perfect compatibility with fish.

The shell of Papuan cancer has an unusual coloring. In length it can reach fourteen centimeters. Not bad breed in an aquarium.

Crayfish crayfish are exotic individuals that can reach sizes from a lobster. They have a bright coloration, where there are blue and pink shades. He is "friends" with fish and well tolerates high temperatures.

Another exotic species is the blue Cuban cancer. He is unpretentious, gets along well with fish and has retained the ability to reproduce in an artificial environment.

Dwarf aquarium crayfish from larger ones differ only in size. Care, feeding and reproduction in them occur in the same way.

What to feed aquarium crayfish?

Cancer needs a balanced diet - to the extent of vegetable and meat food. In the afternoon, crayfish hide, so it's better to feed in the evening. These inert inhabitants of aquariums eat and dry food for fish .

Unpleasant feature - crayfish hide excess food under the stones. And if you do not pay attention to it in time, the water will fade.

Kids feed naupliyami artemia or microchurch.

Diseases of aquarium crayfish are a real threat. Therefore, if you notice that your pet is behaving inadequately, something has changed in his appearance - Run to the veterinarian and begin treatment.

From the bacteria of rickettsia there is spotted staining of blue crayfish, the blood and connective tissue, epithelium suffers. Plague is an infectious disease that affects the articulation of the legs, the shell and eyes of the cancer. There are other types of diseases: rusty-spotted disease, porcelain, mycosis, fungal infection of eggs and some others. Be carefull.