Why do breastaches hurt before menstruation?

Painful and uncomfortable sensations in the chest before the monthly are familiar to the vast majority of women. Typically, the fair sex begin to feel about 10-12 days before menstruation and in some cases experience unbearable suffering.

In this situation, girls often wonder why the mammary glands are affected before the menstrual period, and whether this is a normal condition of the body or a pathology that requires an immediate call to a doctor.

Why does the breast begin to ache before the menstrual period?

Normally, approximately 12-14 days after the start of the next menstrual cycle, a significant increase in the concentration of estrogen hormones occurs in the woman's blood. This is due to the fact that at this time the body of the beautiful lady begins to prepare for a possible pregnancy and subsequent lactation.

Estrogens are localized mainly in adipose tissue, so with the increase in their concentration, the volume of adipose tissue increases. The glandular areas of the breast also grow, because when they become pregnant they have to take on the main role in lactation.

The tissue from which the mammary glands are composed has a lobular structure. Each of the lobules of the female breast, in turn, includes a glandular area, as well as areas of adipose tissue and connective tissue. When approximately in the middle of the menstrual cycle fatty and glandular areas begin to grow rapidly, connective tissue does not keep up with them and, as a result, breaks, which causes intense pain.

It is this reason that explains why the chest pains and swells before the months. In addition, under the influence of a change in the concentration of hormones such as progesterone and prolactin, the female mammary glands are rough and swollen. Significantly increases the sensitivity of the breast, as a result of which it begins to respond to any external influences. This can also contribute to the development of painful and uncomfortable sensations, which significantly worsen the general condition of a woman.

Why does it hurt only one breast before a month?

In rare cases, before the onset of menstruation, only one breast hurts in girls and women. Although this situation may be due to the individual characteristics of a beautiful lady, yet in most cases it indicates the presence of such a disease as fibrocystic mastopathy .

In this disease, the pathological proliferation of the tissue of one of the mammary glands occurs, which requires detailed examination and control by the doctor. To exclude the development of the disease, in case of pain in only one breast, you should always contact the doctor.

Why did the mammary glands cease to hurt before menstruation?

Finally, some of the fair sex people suddenly discover that their breasts have stopped hurting before the months, although they have always experienced this unpleasant symptom. This situation can be a cause for serious concern, because a woman gets used to the flow of certain processes in her body, and any changes frighten her.

In fact, in most cases there is nothing to worry about. Such a disappearance of pain, as a rule, indicates the normalization of the hormonal background or cure for some diseases of the reproductive system. Meanwhile, sometimes changes of this kind may indicate the onset of pregnancy , so, probably, you should get a test.