Diet on yogurt

The popularity of the kefir diet is clearly determined by the universally known beneficial properties of kefir. First, during the diet on kefir you completely cleanse the body of toxins. Secondly, fungal bacteria contained in kefir, accelerate the metabolism, thus fat will not have time to be deposited on your stomach and sides. As part of kefir, a huge dose of calcium, and, as is known, without calcium, the process of losing weight is very sluggish. Milk fat from kefir is absorbed by the body by 100%.

Variations of diets

Options kefir diets weight - from a three-day mono diets on kefir up to a week, with the addition of various additional products. Essence one is the main food product of kefir, which means that all diets are very stressful for the body.

The first variant of kefir diet is a fast diet on kefir. The diet lasts 3 days during which you will lose about 4kg. Every day you can drink 1.5 liters of kefir medium fat, drink water. You will not eat anything else. One and a half liter should be divided into 6 meals. And after a diet, you need a few more days to drink a glass of kefir a day. This is necessary to exit the diet, because if you have eaten for 3 days in a row, the body has only managed to get used to a new way of eating, and you take and again deprive it of its regularity.

The second variant of a diet is a diet on kefir and fiber. This diet lasts 5 days. 1.5 liters of kefir per day remain the same, but a day also add to your diet a half a kilo of fruits and vegetables. Each meal needs to be eaten for a certain fruit / vegetable, but the diet does not presume the sweetest fruits - bananas and grapes, as well as starchy vegetables - potatoes, beets.

Weekly Diet

The third variant of kefir diet is a weekly diet with the addition of potatoes, chicken, meat, fish and fruits. Looks tempting? This is really the most popular kefir diet, however its lightness is ephemeral.

In 1-day you should have 5 meals with equal breaks. Eat at each reception for 1 cooked in a uniform or baked potato and drink 300 ml of kefir.

In the 2-day you have 5 meals with the same intervals. 4 meals - just kefir, in the middle of the day you can eat 100 g of boiled chicken and 300 ml of kefir.

On day 3 everything is the same as yesterday, but instead of chicken we eat 100 g of boiled lean meat.

At 4-day in the middle of the day you eat 100 g of boiled fish or 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese.

On day 5 during each of the meals you eat one unsweetened fruit.

The sixth day is exclusively kefir (1.5 liters).

On the seventh day you arrange a day off , do not eat anything, just drink not soda water - 1.5 liters.

Rules and precautions

Kefir diet is one of the most stringent, and it is for this account, and effective diets. Only healthy people can survive it, without chronic diseases. On a kefir diet, you can not in any case sit with people with gastrointestinal diseases.

During the diet can not be added to kefir sugar, and additional products should be cooked and eat without salt.

After the end of any kefir diet, the next 3-4 days you can not eat marinated, nor smoked, nor fried. This suggests that if you are going to finish kefir diet just on December 31, and then come off in full, you will not just return your weight with lightning speed, but you will gain more than it was before the diet. The main rule of hard diets is a smooth exit, otherwise everything will not just go down the drain, but also exacerbate problems with excess weight.

Striped Diet

There is another variant of the kefir diet, which seems to be very gentle to everyone. This is a striped diet on kefir. One day you eat only kefir, and in the next you eat everything, as usual. Alas, in this mode, the body quickly gets used to the "normal" day with might and main put off fats, which means that the next "kefir" day will not help. It will be more correct to combine 1 kefir day and 1 day of dietary balanced nutrition.