Genital herpes - how quickly to get rid of manifestations of the disease?

Genital herpes is a viral infection of the mucous membrane of the genital organs. The disease is characterized by the formation of vesicles, erosions and ulcers. Consider the pathology in more detail, identify its causes, the ways of infection, find out how to get rid of genital herpes.

Genital Herpes - Causes

The genital herpes virus is one of the varieties of herpes simplex. Charges of the population of this pathogen is observed at 90%. Primary infection occurs by airborne droplets, in childhood. For a long time, the virus that causes genital herpes can be present in the body without manifesting itself. Secondary infection occurs as a result of sexual contact between a sick partner and a healthy partner. A high percentage of infection is observed in patients 20-30 years old. This is explained by:

Risk factors are also attributed to internal causes. Among them are:

The immune system normally responds to the appearance of the virus by the production of antibodies, and therefore no clinical manifestations of the disease are noted. With a number of favorable conditions for the virus, its activation occurs, which causes the skin, mucous membranes to develop specific eruptions, and genital herpes develops. Relapses often occur against the background of:

How is genital herpes transmitted?

Infection with genital herpes occurs through the mucous of the genital tract, rectum, urethra. Often, the transfer of a pathological agent occurs through damage to the skin during sexual intercourse (genital, oral-genital). Sexual transmission is considered to be the main pathway, however, infection is possible and:

Genital Herpes - Symptoms

Infection occurs after the transmission of the virus from a sick patient to an earlier patient. There are no antibodies to the herpes virus in the blood. Transmission is sexually transmitted. At the same time, there is an incubation period - there are no symptoms for 7 days after infection. After the indicated time period, the following signs of genital herpes appear:

Genital herpes in men

Telling about how genital herpes is manifested in the stronger sex, doctors are not the first to put rashes on the mucosa of the penis. At the same time, they can pass to the skin. Among the characteristic sites of rashes:

Genital herpes in women

Genital herpes in women, the symptoms of which are described above, is more common because of the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the genital organs. The nature of the eruptions depends on the stage of the pathological process. In this case, the rash may be localized:

The defeat of the cervical part of the vagina with genital herpes can occur under the guise of cervicitis. The mucous membrane becomes hyperimposed, covered with erosions, which contain a purulent discharge. The symptomatology characteristic of herpetic lesions develops:

Is genital herpes dangerous?

Having learned about the disease, patients are often interested in a venereologist as to what genital herpes is dangerous. It is worth noting that this virus is able to affect not only the genital organs, which become the main focus in genital herpes, but also other systems. With blood flow, the pathogen is spread throughout the body. Because of this, in 30% of patients who have genital herpes diagnosed at a late stage, the consequences may be as follows:

Analysis for genital herpes

Genital, genital herpes is diagnosed on the basis of anamnesis, clinical picture of the disease, laboratory tests. In this case, the definition of pathology is often carried out by herpetic ulcers alone, which have a characteristic appearance. Among the laboratory diagnostic methods:

Genital herpes - treatment

Before treating genital herpes, venereologists prescribe a comprehensive examination that helps to establish the cause of the disease. Its elimination is the main task of physicians. The very therapy of the disease is reduced to the use of antiviral drugs, both local (ointments, cream, candles), and general (tablets). Doctors pursue the goal of reducing the recurrence of the disease genital herpes, reducing clinical manifestations, rashes. If the disease is not of a chronic type, relapses are repeated 3 times a year, the therapy is performed by local means - treatment of rashes.

Is it possible to cure genital herpes?

Answering the question of patients concerning how to cure genital herpes, doctors pay attention to the fact that it is impossible to completely remove the virus from the body. Because of this, with deteriorating immunity, reducing the body's resistance, the disease becomes aggravated again. Therapeutic measures are aimed at reducing the severity and duration of the acute phase, reducing the volume of rashes. To reduce the resistance of the genital herpes virus to antiviral drugs, prescribe medications containing interferon.

Ointment from genital herpes

Antiviral ointment, cream - an excellent remedy for genital herpes. It is applied directly to the area of ​​rashes, several times a day. This helps to reduce local manifestations of the disease, relieve patients of such symptoms as burning, itching. Optimum application every 3-4 hours. In this case, the course of therapy is appointed individually. Often its duration does not exceed 3-5 days. If after a week of use the condition does not improve - you need to consult a doctor. Among the common ointments from genital herpes:

Candles with genital herpes

Considering drugs from genital herpes, we should separately name suppositories. They are used intravaginally, more often 2 times a day. Duration of the application is set individually, and on average is 10 days. In chronic course, therapy can last 1-3 months. In this case, one suppository is used, which is administered every other day. Among the drugs used to treat a disease such as genital herpes, are listed:

Tablets from genital herpes

Any medicine for genital herpes should be taken in strict accordance with medical prescriptions. Directly the doctor, taking into account the clinic, the symptomatology, the stage of the pathological process, sets the dosage, multiplicity and duration of the medication intake. Antiviral tablets are used for complex, often recurring forms of genital herpes. Effective treatment of genital herpes involves the use of the following drugs:

1. Active ingredient of acyclovir:

2. Containing valaciclovir:

3. The active ingredient famciclovir:

Depending on the drug chosen for therapy, the treatment regimens differ:

Genital herpes - folk remedies

Treatment of genital herpes with folk remedies is allowed as an additional, symptomatic therapy. Medicinal plants help alleviate herpes manifestations, reduce rashes, reduce itching and soreness. Let's consider effective recipes.

Herbal collection against genital herpes


Preparation, use:

  1. 2 tbsp. Spoon cooked pour boiling water.
  2. Wait 60 minutes.
  3. Filter, cool.
  4. Take 100 ml, 4 times a day, for 14 days.

Therapeutic compresses from genital herpes


Preparation, use:

  1. Water is boiled and cooled to 40 degrees
  2. Add a few drops of oil, mixing thoroughly
  3. The resulting solution is dipped into a made cotton swab.
  4. Enter the vagina at night. You can use this solution for the treatment of damaged skin. Violet, geranium, lavender oils are suitable for the procedures.

Genital herpes in pregnancy

Genital herpes during pregnancy, as a secondary infection, does not pose a threat to the future baby. It is protected by the antibodies of the mother, which are produced by the female body. Another situation is when the pregnant woman becomes infected for the first time while waiting for the baby. Primary infection can lead to the following complications:

Prophylaxis of genital herpes

Specific prevention of this disease is to carry out vaccination. However, its use does not have a lasting effect. This is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the virus. Nonspecific prevention, excluding recurrent genital herpes, is the observance of certain rules: