How to determine the crown of celibacy?

However sad it may sound, there are a lot of single women. The reasons for this situation can be a huge number, but for some reason, many representatives of the fair sex reflect on the fact that they have a crown of celibacy. Psychics claim that this opinion is incorrect, since such a curse is extremely rare. In this case, it is worth knowing how to determine the crown of celibacy and how to get rid of it. There are several ways to do this yourself, without seeking help from specialists.

How to recognize the crown of celibacy?

Most often determine whether there is a curse, looking at the hands. Among existing "signs" it is necessary to find a marriage line that is on the edge of the palm under the bend of the little finger or under the hill of Mercury. If there is a line on the left hand, it means that you can not even speak about the generic crown of celibacy. The absence of a line indicates the opposite. Such a curse is very powerful, as the strength is increasing every year. Then, look at the right hand. If it does not have a marriage line, it means that someone may have spoiled loneliness. In this case, it is worthwhile to perform a ritual to get rid of it.

Another way to find out if you have a crown of celibacy is also associated with lines on your hand. It is necessary to see if the ring "Mercury" is present, which is a line around the base of the little finger. Many palmists call this phenomenon a widow ring.

Rituals, how to check if there is a crown of celibacy

There are several ancient rituals to determine whether there is a curse or not:

You can put a silver ring on the ring finger of your left hand and wear it for three days. After this, the decoration should be lowered into a glass of water at night, and in the morning to look at the condition of the liquid. If it remains clean, then there is no crown and vice versa.

The next ritual is to be held on Friday at the full moon. Take a bowl, pour water in it, add seven drops of sacred water and 10 petals of a red rose. Taz for the night, put it at the head of the bed. In the morning, look at the petals. They sank to the bottom, so there is a curse, and if they swim over water - the problem of loneliness lies in another.

To determine whether a crown of celibacy can use aromatic sticks. Light them and move them around your head, if the smoke forms rings - this is a clear sign of the curse of loneliness.

How to determine the crown of celibacy in the church?

The ritual is simple enough, but it requires preparation. One day before this, it is worth noting food of animal origin, and instead of dinner drink a glass of water. You can not eat or drink anything in the morning. Go to church before the service begins and put candles to the Theotokos, Christ and Nicholas the Wonderworker or Panteleimon the Healer. Then pray and ask the saints to indicate if the crown is celibate or not. Speak everything with your in words, the main thing is that the request should be from the heart. Look at the flames set by the candles. If it fluctuates, and the candles crack, then there is a possibility of spoilage. Even flame speaks about the opposite, and the reason should be looked for in psychological problems.

Analyze the history of the family, try to find out the details of the personal life of the women of the family. If everyone had problems in their personal lives, then there is a risk that the fate may repeat.

The crown of celibacy is removed, largely depends on the nature of the curse. Many magicians assure that the generic curse is considered a specific karma and it is very difficult to remove it, and in some cases it is impossible. If the spoiling was inflicted by someone during his lifetime, then thanks to the rituals for removing the crown of celibacy, it is possible to radically change the situation.