How to get rid of the evil eye yourself?

Absolutely any body shakes associated with the energy field can help you get rid of the evil eye. It can be energetic dancing, bathing, fast running, strenuous physical work. A cat can also be a faithful helper in getting rid of the evil eye. As you know, cats have a certain supernatural power. Your pet can remove you from the evil eye , without being hurt.

To remove the evil eye, geranium is very effective - be sure to purchase this plant and place it in the places of your apartment where you spend most of the time. If the evil eye is very strong, and such simple methods did not help you, then try a more effective method, which we will discuss below.

When removing the evil eye, you must adhere to certain rules. For two weeks before the ritual, you can not eat foods that contain meat and fish, and also drink alcohol. Every day you need to read the prayer "Our Father" and go to church to put a candle on your health.

It is important to remember the following rule: never conduct magical rituals for entertainment, take them seriously. This will help you to protect yourself and your loved ones from harm.

Remove the evil eye with the help of an egg

How to remove the evil eye yourself with the help of an egg? Rolling out the evil eye with an egg is perhaps one of the easiest and most famous ways.

You need to get a fresh egg, which was not yet in the refrigerator. Must be white. Rinse it thoroughly under water - this is necessary in order for the egg to be energetically maximally purified.

Rite is best spent in a lighted room, early in the morning. Also in the room there should be a lighted church candle.

When you finish all the preparations, proceed to the very process of removing the evil eye with an egg. Take the egg in your right hand. Then start to roll it on the body of a man without a break. Begin the rite from the head, then roll the egg around the neck, then descend to the spine, back and so on. You need to finish when you roll an egg all over your body and find yourself at the ankle level. Be sure to remember - you can roll the egg only in the clockwise direction. During the roll-out, you need to read the "Our Father" all the time.

After you finish the ritual, break the egg in a cup of water. Wait a few minutes. Compound eggs should take the form that you can determine if you managed to get rid of negative energy. If you did not see any damage on the egg, and the egg white with yolk lay on the bottom, it means that you got rid of the evil eye.

After the procedure, be sure to get rid of the egg and water in which you broke it. It's best to bury it somewhere far away from people. Do not forget to wash and drink holy water.

How to remove the evil eye from a child?

Every woman is worried about how to remove the evil eye from a baby. Children - the creation of defenseless, and they are most often affected by the evil eye. Up to a month it is not recommended to show the newborn to anyone, not even the closest. There are ways to help protect your child.

  1. The godfather burns a match or a coal, and throws it out at the crossroads through the left shoulder.
  2. Do not let anyone praise your little one. And do not do it yourself.
  3. Do not allow anyone to look at the baby for too long. Also, it is not advisable for the mother herself to look intently at the baby during his sleep.

How to determine if your child has been jinxed ? He starts to twitch, pinch his legs, stops eating, constantly cries.

There are many ways that will save the baby from the evil eye. Try using a simple ancient method. To conduct the ritual, you need to prepare half a liter of ordinary clean water, seven spoons, preferably silver and a small cup. Take all the spoons in the left hand while holding them over the cup, in the right hand take a jug of water. Begin to pour water on the spoons with a small jet, while reading "Our Father". When you, therefore, charge the water, wash the face of the child and wipe it off without wiping.

How to identify the evil eye?

Beautiful and young girls are often envious, and for many different reasons: appearance, career, relationships - in any sphere you can become the object of ill-wishers. In addition, one of the causes of the evil eye can be anger. And sometimes everything happens unconsciously. By the way, most quickly the evil eye appears from strangers, from the passers-by, who looked at you unkindly. Well, if you immediately get over it and try to get rid of their negative.

In order to determine if there is a hex on you, go to church and put a candle for health. If you are jinxed - you may get sick, you will feel sick, your head will start spinning, and your legs will look wadded. The first thing you need to do when you return home is to take a shower, while imagining that with the water you take off all the bad and strange things. Especially from the evil eye protects the bath, it also displays all the energy pollution. If you could not cope on your own with the evil eye, then it's worth turning to the witch doctor.