Otodectosis in cats

Almost every cat at least once in life encounters such an artful enemy as a tick. The owner, taking care of his pet, it is extremely important to know the causes, nature and description of this so widespread disease.

Treat otodectosis in cats should be on time

Ears - this is the place where the parasite always finds a place. That is why otodectosis in cats or as it is still called - ear scabies - can occur in the pet at any time of the year. A small mite, only about a half millimeter in size, appears immediately and begins to multiply in the ear. This parasite is dangerous, first of all, because it damages the eardrum, the outer part of the ear canal and the auricle. It is obvious that a person who, by the way, does not transmit this disease in any way, must take all necessary measures to help the animal.

Treatment of otodectosis in cats involves the use of special drops and gel antiparasitic action. Before processing the infected area, it is necessary to begin to disinfect the ear using a cotton swab and a lotion for ear hygiene. Then it is necessary to smear the gel, which is very important, in two ears, regardless of what is struck. In exceptional cases, when the disease was not detected at the time, the veterinarian prescribes a course of anti-inflammatory drugs.

In order to avoid the consequences and complications of the disease, it is necessary to know and be able to recognize the symptoms of otodectosis in cats. Perhaps the most characteristic sign of this ailment is that the animal starts to shake something off the head, looking for any objects to comb the affected area. As a result of this, there are wounds that begin to rot, which in turn leads to the spread of pus through the ear canal. You can also see by the pet's pet its general state of malaise, nervousness and fever .

How to prevent the occurrence of otodectosis in cats?

Prophylaxis of otodectosis is very simple and does not require special measures. The owner must, as much as possible, keep his pet out of the infected congeners, because the disease is transmitted through animal contact. It is also important to regularly process the cat's ears by monthly sanitation and looking through the area prone to infection. Particular attention must be paid to pets, often on the street without owner's supervision. Thus, the three main rules are:

they will protect the common pet from otodectosis - ear scabies.

However, it is also important to remember that it is not uncommon for an animal to get infected from a person who brought a tick mite on shoes or clothes. Therefore, it is worthwhile to be vigilant even when the cat does not leave the aisles of the apartment or house.

Symptoms of otodectosis are easily recognized. After all, when a tick hits the animal's skin, it immediately begins to injure it, causing irritation, redness and a toxic reaction. The cat experiences painful itching and severe pain, and the area of ​​infection after redness begins to swell. However, even at the stage of suspicion of ear inflammation, the host should immediately apply operative measures, without waiting for the further development of the disease. It is better to show the animal to a specialist who, after the results of the analysis, will be able to confirm or refute the diagnosis. After all, the cat's ear is vulnerable to a huge number of infectious and fungal diseases and only the veterinarian can determine the exact cause.