How to get rid of nausea during pregnancy?

The onset of pregnancy is often a serious cause of stress. And we are talking not only about the psychological state of women, but also about the physiological reaction of the body to pregnancy. Hormonal rearrangement, attachment of the "foreign" body to the endometrium of the uterus (chorion) and the attitude of the woman to her new position can be the causes of the development of toxicosis. Every pregnant woman, faced with the problem of toxicosis, is looking for options for how to get rid of nausea during pregnancy. In a number of cases, this can be achieved with the abandonment of bad habits, normalization of sleep and wakefulness, and also with the organization of proper nutrition of the pregnant woman.

How can you fight nausea during pregnancy?

To know how to cope with a pregnancy when a woman is pregnant, you need to find out what could have caused the toxicosis that has arisen. Nausea, as a manifestation of toxicosis, may occur when pregnancy is unwanted. In this case, the body under the influence of mental processes, as it were, "rejects" the attached fruit, provokes its miscarriage. To save such a pregnancy a woman needs the help of a psychologist. A positive attitude toward the process of raising a child, childbirth and further life together with it will help to weaken the manifestations of toxicosis and will be the key to solving the problem of how to relieve nausea during pregnancy.

Harmful habits of women (smoking, alcohol, drugs), as well as being in a poorly ventilated room, irregular outdoor walks may be the causes of the development of hypoxia of the brain of a pregnant woman, intoxication of the body, which will be expressed by dizziness, headaches, nausea, vomiting, In this case, the first thing to do when you are pregnant, especially if you feel sick, is to give up behavior that can harm a future mother and the development of the child.

But how to reduce nausea in pregnancy, if it is purely a manifestation of the body's adaptation to pregnancy, the result of hormonal adjustment? In the fight against morning sickness will help cope eaten on an empty stomach in bed a piece of salted cracker or if you hold in your mouth a slice of lemon. In the fight against nausea, snacks with dried fruits and nuts, tea or cookies with ginger, water with the addition of lemon juice can help. To reduce the manifestations of toxicosis during pregnancy, remedies for nausea in traditional medicine can be used.

What should I do if I feel very sick during pregnancy?

From what can be done to not strongly feel sick during pregnancy, the important points are:

  1. Daily walks in the open air (at least 2 hours per day).
  2. Proper nutrition in small portions up to 6 times a day (without fatty, acute, smoked, no dyes and preservatives).
  3. The intake of vitamin preparations, the use of artesian still water (at least 1-2 liters per day)
  4. Positive psychological mood and moderate physical activity, allowed by a doctor.
  5. Complete rest.

Usually, observance of these recommendations allows you to part with nausea in the early stages of pregnancy, or, at least, to weaken its manifestations.

Folk remedies for nausea in pregnancy

Tincture of mandarin peel well helps to get rid of nausea during pregnancy. The recipe is simple: finely chop the skin of 4 large ripe mandarins and pour 200 grams of vodka. Insist this remedy 20 days in a dark cool place. Take 20-25 drops before meals 3-4 times a day for 30 minutes before meals. Just tincture can be prepared on water and drink instead of water or tea.

With nausea in late pregnancy, a decoction of yarrow helps: 1 tablespoon of herbs pour a glass of boiling water and boil in a water bath for 20 minutes. Then filter and cool. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

What pills for nausea you can drink during pregnancy?

What of the medicines can be taken by pregnant women from nausea is determined only by the doctor in each case. Usually phytopreparations for the liver are prescribed (hofitol, Essentiale forte). Their action is based on enzymatic help to this organ, which is manifested in a better detoxification of a woman's blood.

Conventional drugs for nausea are prohibited for use during pregnancy, since their action is associated with blocking of neuromodulators and influence on the nervous system, which is fraught with side effects.