Fluorography in pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special, very exciting and responsible period in a woman's life. Every future mother is obliged to take care of her health carefully, because the development, life and health of crumbs directly depends on this. Today we will talk about how to do fluorography during pregnancy and what is dangerous.

Pregnancy and Irradiation

The direction of a doctor for fluorography in many pregnant women causes strong unrest and a number of questions. Women fear the effects of fluorography during pregnancy. However, to date, fluorography is a very common and affordable method of examination in medicine, which allows you to identify hidden diseases and pathological changes in the airways, cardiovascular and other systems. This method helps to identify diseases in the early stages, which makes it possible to begin appropriate treatment on time and avoid any serious irreversible consequences. Fluorography should be given to pregnant women only in case of emergency. Healthy people are advised to take it no more than once a year. This is due to the fact that whatever the dose of radiation, it can not positively affect the living organism. It is not surprising that girls often refuse fluorography because of its effect on pregnancy. The fluorography is really appointed or nominated to the pregnant woman only in case of absence of an opportunity of exception of its or her carrying out. It is necessary to conduct the examination under the strict supervision of a doctor.

If there is no fluorography in a pregnant woman over the past year, it can not be made by a gynecologist. Exceptions are cases when it is necessary during the provision of emergency care or the patient has dangerous diseases that require an immediate radiological examination. An X-ray of a fractured limb or other part of the body far from the pelvis poses no risk to the fetus. It is mandatory to provide a fluorography of the husband during pregnancy. Sometimes the doctor asks to undergo a fluorographic examination of other women's relatives, especially if they constantly live with her. This helps prevent the spread of pulmonary tuberculosis and other dangerous diseases.

Can I get pregnant with fluorography - opinion of doctors

Often doctors say that modern equipment allows you to carry out fluorography to pregnant women without harm to the health of the baby. This is explained by the fact that the minimum radiation doses can not affect the formation of the child. Thinking about whether fluorography is harmful during pregnancy, remember other irradiators surrounding us everywhere. These are TVs, telephones, microwave ovens and many other modern technology. It is worth noting that at an early stage of pregnancy, fluorography and irradiation are more undesirable. The most safe for the fetus is considered conducting fluorography during pregnancy after 20 weeks.

If a woman has done a fluorography during pregnancy

If you still have to irradiate, it is recommended to go to a genetic consultation. The doctor will send you to a thorough ultrasound after 12 weeks.

The law on fluorography for pregnant women

Basic legal aspects of fluorography in pregnant women:

Fluorography in the planning of pregnancy and lactation

If a woman is waiting for pregnancy, to refuse planned medical examinations is not worth it. On the contrary, you need to watch health closely. Only to conduct a survey is better in the first third of the menstrual cycle, that ovulation and pregnancy have already occurred after the fluorography. The radiation does not affect the quality of milk.