The cause of diarrhea may be helminths

Most often, helminths live in the intestine. Identify dangerous parasites are helped by various disorders of stool. That is why many people, noticing in their diarrhea, are wondering whether there can be diarrhea due to worms. If you are absolutely sure that frequent and loose stools are not associated with malnutrition, it is worthwhile to suspect the presence of parasites and to pass the necessary tests.

Toxic action of helminths on the body

The cause of diarrhea can be helminths of various kinds. This is due to the fact that as soon as any parasites enter the digestive tract, they immediately begin to eat all the useful substances. As a result, a person does not receive the connections necessary for him to function properly in the digestive system. In addition, the products of vital activity of worms are very toxic to humans. Some parasites (for example, protozoal) produce hormone-like substances. This contributes to the loss of large amounts of sodium chloride, which leads to frequent and very liquid bowel movements.

Diarrhea in worms is not an attempt by the body to get rid of the infection present in it. This is only one of the most common symptoms of helminthic invasion. Sometimes it can occur with:

Worms can cause not only diarrhea, but constipation. This is due to the fact that some parasites reach such huge sizes that they block the intestinal ducts. As soon as they move, the chair again becomes fluid and frequent.

How to treat diarrhea with worms?

If diarrhea has occurred in humans with worms, first of all it is necessary to remove them from the body. For this, you can use drugs such as:

The choice of the drug and the choice of dosage should be carried out a doctor, based on what kind of parasites are found and how much weight a person has. Some medicines do not work on eggs and worm larvae, so treatment should be repeated in 3 weeks.

To restore the digestive system after the action of helminths on it, the patient should normalize the intestinal motility. For this, it is necessary to take drugs in which the active substance is loperamide, for example, Imodium . If diarrhea was long, you should also take probiotics - Linex or Bifidumbacterin. These medicines will help to quickly get rid of the violation of absorption of nutrients.