Detachment of the placenta

The placenta is a connective tissue with the help of which the exchange of useful substances and products of vital activity between the mother and the fetus is carried out. To the fetus, it is attached by the umbilical cord. The placenta also provides the baby's body with immunological protection: it passes into the body the fetus of the mother's antibody. Without the placenta, the growth and development of the fetus in the womb would be impossible.

The detachment of the placenta in the normal course of pregnancy occurs after the baby has been born. According to statistics, premature detachment of the placenta occurs in one of eighty cases. From thirty to thirty five percent of such cases occur during pregnancy, the remaining cases of detachment of the placenta are recorded during labor, in the first period.

The causes of detachment of the placenta

The detachment of the placenta in pregnant women often occurs during the first pregnancy. In the normal location of the placenta, the causes of its detachment are divided into two groups:

  1. The first group of reasons . To it carry provocateurs who influence the development of this pathology directly: nephropathy or late toxicosis, which continue for a long period, and have not been completely cured. This group includes diseases of the kidneys, heart defects, violation of blood pressure, diabetes mellitus , disruption of the adrenal cortex, thyroid gland. And also blood diseases, malformations of the uterus and the operations carried on it, systemic lupus erythematosus. This includes the incompatibility of Rh factor and blood groups of the fetus and mother and perenashivanie.
  2. The second group of reasons . It includes factors that provoke placental abruption in case of existing disorders: large fetus, abdominal trauma, overstretch of the uterine walls due to multiple pregnancies or polyhydramnios. Polyhydramnios can cause a sudden, rapid and profuse discharge of amniotic fluid, which also threatens to detach the placenta. Violation of coordination of uterine contractile activity and illiterate use of uterotonic drugs during childbirth in most cases become provocateurs of the development of this pathology.

The above factors cause why the placenta is peeling: disrupt the connection between the walls of the uterus and the placenta, lead to rupture of the vessels and cause hemorrhages (retrocolocular hematomas).

Symptoms of placental delamination

The signs of placental detachment during pregnancy depend on the period of pregnancy and the degree of pathology. The detachment of the placenta of the first degree of severity in the early stages is not as dangerous as at later dates. This is manifested by scarce bleeding. At the first degree of severity the child does not suffer. In this case, up to thirty percent of the placenta exfoliates. With appropriate therapy, pregnancy continues without complications.

If placental abruption occurs in half (the second degree of severity), then there is a risk of occurrence of what is dangerous to detach the placenta - fetal hypoxia, which often becomes the cause of his death. Detachment of the placenta can cause intrauterine hemorrhage of a woman. Then the main task is the mother's salvation.

Placental abruption is accompanied by abdominal pain, hypertension of the uterus, impaired cardiac activity of the fetus. The third degree of severity of placental abruption is accompanied by a complete placental abruption from the uterus. In this case, the most dangerous is observed, what threatens the detachment of the placenta is the death of the fetus.

Treatment of placental peeling

Treatment, in the first place, depends on the severity of the pathology and the period on which it developed. For a period of up to twenty weeks, pregnancy is tried to be maintained and maintained conservatively. With a full-term pregnancy, doctors stimulate childbirth, and if detachment is insignificant, a woman can give birth alone. With a large detachment at a later date, a caesarean section is performed.

Slightly expressed clinical symptoms are an indicator for hospitalization of a pregnant woman. At the same time, the state of the coagulation system is monitored and monitored using ultrasound in dynamics.