What is the basal temperature during pregnancy?

Girls who are worried about their health, constantly keep a schedule for measuring basal temperature. Planning a long-awaited pregnancy, future moms accurately track changes in the body and identify the most successful days for the possible conception of a full-fledged baby. The norm is considered to be the basal temperature value of 37.2 degrees Celsius. With the onset of an "interesting situation" the basal temperature will change.

Basal temperature at delay

Using the basal temperature chart during pregnancy , it is possible to identify various pathologies in embryo development and even identify a threat. This may be indicated by a significant change in basal temperature readings with a delay. Thus, low temperature indicates the possibility of losing a child, stopping the development of the fetus. Therefore, women who have experienced a miscarriage or a dead fetus must control changes in the temperature level.

In the second half of the cycle, the measured result will be at the level of 37 - 37.3 degrees. If the conception of the child does not occur, the temperature will drop to 36.9. If there is no decrease in temperature, this can be the result of the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy. The temperature should not rise more than 38 degrees, if its value is still higher, it is urgent to take measures to find out the reason. The cause may be a disease of the genitals or inflammation in the female body, so you can not spend time with its clarification.

Basal temperature in pregnant women

With ectopic pregnancy, basal temperature will rise, as progesterone continues to be released in large quantities. Therefore, according to the schedule, it is impossible to determine such pathology of pregnancy.

The procedure for measuring basal temperature in pregnant women should be done in the morning, after sleeping, without getting out of bed. Basal temperature during pregnancy in the evening will increase, as a woman is active, and this affects the temperature of her body. The basal temperature during the day during pregnancy is also not indicative, as measured in the evening, since only the morning measurement is taken to plot the graph. It is also worth noting that the basal temperature is indicative only up to 16 - 20 weeks, because after 20 weeks the temperature will decrease and has no informative value. Therefore, until the end of pregnancy, scheduling should be stopped.