Cherry compote for winter - simple recipe

Summer time can be associated with the race for soft drinks: lemonades , milkshakes , sangria and compotes come to the fore, eclipsing any gastronomic delights. Next, we'll talk about the recipes of compotes, and more specifically cherry compotes, which are prepared fairly quickly and elementary simple recipes, and then can be harvested for the winter or used to quench your thirst in the heat.

Cherry compote with bones for the winter

Drinks from any fruit with bones are obtained a little more astringent due to the content of glycoside amygdalin. In large quantities, this substance is poisonous, but after heat treatment, and even in compote, the only effect that amygdalin leaves after itself is a pleasant astringent sensation on the tongue.



Separate the cherries from the stems and rinse them. A glass of water pour into the saucepan, then add the sugar and put the dishes on the fire. Cook a simple syrup, waiting for the dissolution of sugar crystals, but not allowing their full caramelization. Fill the berries with the remaining liquid and put on fire. Cook the cherries 12-15 minutes after boiling, dissolve in the future compote syrup and remove it from the heat. Another hot drink should be poured over pre-sterilized jars and rolled.

Cherry compote for winter without sterilization

If you plan to drink a drink within the next week, then it makes no sense to torture yourself with sterilization of cans and lids, pour out the prepared compote for any clean containers and keep it closed in the cool.



Pre-clean the cherries from the bones. If you do not have a special device for extracting seeds from the fruit, then use the sharp end of a simple handle (without an ampoule). Press the handle onto the attachment point of the stem and the bone will come out from the back, leaving a neat round hole behind it.

Now it's a little thing: fill cherries with water, put on fire and wait for 7 minutes after boiling. Put sugar in and take the drink off the fire.

Plus not sterilized compote is that in the future it can be supplemented with ice and strong alcohol, turning into light and refreshing summer cocktails.

Compote from Chinese cherries without sugar for the winter

Preparing compote for the winter you can do without sweeteners at all, or replace the latter with much more useful analogs: agave syrup, honey or stevia.



After rinsing the cherries, remove them from the bones and transfer them to the enameled container. Pour cherries with water and put a stick of cinnamon, orange peel and cloves buds. Cook the berries 10 minutes after boiling, pour in the orange juice and completely cool the drink. Bring the compote back to the boil before sipping into the cans.

Compote of cherries and strawberries for the winter



Peel the strawberries from the stems, cut them into halves and put them in a saucepan with cherries. Cut the lemon zest into strips and also put them to berries. Pour berries and zest with water, put the base of the drink on the fire and cook for 7-10 minutes. After removing the almost ready compote from the fire, dissolve the sugar syrup in it and pour in the lemon juice. If necessary, re-boil the drink and pour over sterile containers.