How to humiliate a person with clever words?

How to humiliate a person with clever words is a question that interests many people. After all, I really want to put the sassor on the place so that he himself became the object of ridicule.

How and with what words can you humiliate a person?

In no case be like your opponent. Therefore, do not use rude words and curses. Categorically unacceptable and math. A witty answer will help a woman out of a verbal skirmish. And if nothing is invented on the go, then it makes sense to learn a couple of dozen phrases specifically for such cases.

How to competently humiliate and crush a person with words?

However, what matters is not only what you say, but also how you do it. The crying voice, the snarling intonation is unacceptable for a confident woman. Namely, you should look like this before your abuser. Those who do not know how to morally humiliate a person with clever words, one should keep in mind that it is necessary to speak calmly, pejoratively. It would be appropriate to connect also irony or even vivid sarcasm.

How to humiliate a person with clever words: phrases for example

To learn how to humiliate a person morally with words, it is worth adding to your personal vocabulary with a few clever and accurate phrases. For example, these are: