Flamingo cymbals

Tsikhlazoma Flamingo or black-banded cichlazoma, or Heros nigrofasciatus belongs to the group of perciform, the family of cichlids, the species of the Flamingo. This fish lives in the waters of Central America, in Guatemala, Honduras, it can be found in the Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Panama, and El Salvador. Not so long ago, cichlases appeared in Indonesia. They are quite unpretentious and can live in huge lakes, and in small streams. But the water must be with dense vegetation. Fish like greens and various caves in which they hide and use to lay their eggs.

Fish cichlazoma flamingo was so named in connection with its interesting color - from light to intense pink. This cichlazoma flamingo - an unusually beautiful fish.

The fish reaches a maximum of 10 cm in nature, in the aquarium - no more than 15 cm. But most often, its length at home does not exceed 8 cm. It is the smallest fish from the family of cichlids.

Breeding cichlasma flamingo

Fishes reach sexual maturity at the age of 9-10 months. Beginner aquarists have to find out the sex of the fish. Make it simple. Sexual differences in cichlases consist in size and color - females are smaller and brighter than males and have reddish glitter along their sides. Males differ from females by a powerful forehead, it seems that they "stuffed a bump".

Reproduction lasts in spring and summer, the female lays eggs several times. The fish can lay aside up to 300 eggs. After the female has postponed spawn, it is necessary to wait a couple of days for the fry to hatch. The female is cared for by caviar, and the male follows the order and guards the clutch - he is so alert and collected that he can even attack the net. Then all the big fish should be sent to another aquarium, until the fry pops up. Sometimes parents independently nurture fry, so there is no need to transplant them. But it's better not to take risks, because some parents can still eat eggs. But even if this happened, do not be upset, since the next spawning may well happen in a couple of weeks.

The next step is to transplant the fry into a smaller aquarium (20-30 liters) and provide them with shallow aeration. The water temperature should be maintained around 26-29 degrees. Fry begin to eat on the third or fourth day, it is necessary to start feeding with crushed flakes or live food, infusoria.

Care for the cichlosome flamingo

Flamingos - one of the most unpretentious cichlids. It's a peaceful fish. Tsikhlazoma flamingo in an aquarium coexists with other breeds, males can be aggressive only during spawning. From their master only require an aquarium (50-60 liters) with a lot of caves and shelters. The aquarium should have floating and fast growing plants in pots. Pisces tend to dig the soil for the aquarium and under the "hot hand" can get vegetation. Desirable filtration, aeration. Water should be changed frequently, and its temperature should not be more than 29 ° C. Flamingos eat live food, cereals, cereals, seafood. In nature, cichlazomas Flamingos prefer insects, algae and other plants, small crustaceans.

They simply keep the kittens, they are unpretentious, beautiful, they are interesting to observe. This pet is ideal for beginners aquarists. In addition, these beautiful fish very quickly breed. Considering all these qualities, many amateurs keep flamingos in their aquariums, albeit not real, but in no way inferior to their beauty, grace and natural charm.