Bad memory, what to do?

Every person has ever experienced a stupid state associated with forgetfulness, which appeared for no reason at all. It happened that after passing a couple of meters in the direction of the desired object, you forgot what you need to take, or when you meet someone on the street, you in a misunderstanding realize that you forgot his name.

Let's try to understand what a bad memory is and what to do when you begin to suffer from an incomprehensible forgetfulness, absent-mindedness. After all, having understood the causes of occurrence, you can again learn to save your time, without spending it on trying to remember what it was necessary to do, take, etc.

Bad memory causes

  1. If you are an avid smoker, etc., then you should reconsider your bad habits. After all, this can be the main occurrence of what is bad with your memory. By refusing to smoke, you improve not only the state of your memory, but also your observation, concentration of attention. Realize that bad memory will never be a source of excellent health.
  2. Another important reason for the deterioration of your memory may be information overload. From this, the brain begins to perceive any information superficially. A large flow of information into your brain, generates unwillingness, then - the inability to concentrate on one thing. In the event that you find it hard to concentrate on one thing, you will not have anything to remember. As a result of this, there is a bad memory, absent-mindedness.
  3. Analyze your food. Are you consuming a sufficient amount of micro and macro elements, vitamins, which constitute the daily norm for an adult person, every day. All this can accelerate the biochemical processes in the brain, stimulating brain cells. Science has long proven that bad both short-term and long-term memory appears as a result of fasting the brain, improper nutrition.
  4. If your blood is poorly saturated with oxygen, then this can cause problems with memorization, concentration. After all, the body, which is sufficiently saturated with oxygen, ensures high brain efficiency. Do not forget to rest from constant work, go on the nature or at least for 10 minutes ventilate the room, breathe fresh air, do not be lazy to do physical exercises.
  5. A very bad memory can be caused by poor well-being, anxiety, stress, which means that it is necessary to do exercises that help to relax. You need to learn to stay calm.
  6. Do not forget that you need to get enough sleep. After all, without a sound sleep, the brain is not able to work as needed. It is worth noting that in the dark the cells are best restored. If you have changed day to night with your regime, then this shows why you have a bad memory.
  7. Unfortunately, forgetfulness, etc. can be a sign of serious illness (Parkinson's disease, etc.). If you experience symptoms that indicate a brain-related illness, you should consult a specialist for advice.

Poor memory - treatment

Consider the tips that help determine how to treat bad memory.

  1. For people who spend most of their time sitting, it is necessary to perform exercises for the spine, neck and back, which improve blood circulation in these areas.
  2. Do not remind yourself that you have a bad memory. Refuse autosuggestion.
  3. If something is forgotten, do not worry, try to distract yourself and soon the necessary information will automatically resume in your memory.
  4. Do not forget to learn poetry, foreign languages. Increase the amount of the learned.
  5. Walk in the open air. Saturate the brain with oxygen.
  6. Before going to bed remember all the events of the past day.

Take care of your health, let your body rest, do not overload the brain with unnecessary information.