Medovik with custard

Medovik is an incredibly delicious cake. There are several options for its preparation - the two most interesting of them are waiting for you below.

Cake "Medovik" with custard


For the cake:

For custard:


To prepare a classic honey with custard, the dough should be made in a water bath. In a large saucepan pour in water, we put a container of a smaller size. As soon as the water boils in a large saucepan, we throw a piece of butter into a smaller container and stir it, stirring it. Immediately after this, add sugar, soda, honey and drive in the eggs. Stirring, boil the mixture for 5 minutes. Now gradually pour in the flour, stirring it into the dough. We sustain it for about 5 minutes, and then we spread it on the table, which was strewed with flour, and we mix it well. We divide the dough into 7 pieces, which are then rolled out. We select a round plate, on the contour of which we will cut our cakes. We bake the baking tray lightly with flour, we put a cake on it and at 200 ° C we bake for 5 minutes. Bake the cake immediately cut into the contour of the plate. We do the same with all other cakes. Then we cut all the scraps into a crumb.

Now we will deal with the cream: break the eggs into a saucepan, grind them with flour and sugar whisk. We pour in the milk (about 1 glass) and heat it over medium heat. We cook, not stopping stirring, until thickening. When the mass begins to boil, pour the rest of the milk and cook again on medium heat until boiling, always stirring. Now we remove the cream from the fire. As soon as lightly cool, put butter in it and mix it. We smear the cakes, the top of the cake and sides with the custard, while the top and sides are still rubbed with crumbs. A tasty honey-maker with a custard is put in a cool place for 5 hours soaked. Well, in general, the longer the cake soaks, the more delicious it will turn out.

The recipe for a chocolate honey with custard


For the test:

For custard :

For glaze:


Mix eggs with sugar, honey, butter and soda. We put the container with the received mass in a water bath and, stirring, cook for 5 minutes until the mass is completely homogeneous. After that, remove it from the water bath, add cocoa and mix well. Mix small amounts of sifted flour until the moment the mass begins to drag. After that, spread it on the flour-dusted table and, pouring the rest of the flour, knead the soft dough. We divide it into 8 parts, each of which is then rolled into a thin layer. On the contour of the plate cut out the circles and bake in a preheated oven. Such cakes are baked very quickly - just 3-5 minutes. Cut off the dough is not thrown away, but also cook until ready, and then grind them into a crumb.

For the cream, we mix milk, flour, sugar, eggs, and, stirring, on a small fire, cook until thick. Do not let the cream boil. We remove it from the fire, add cocoa and mix well with a whisk. We put the cream to cool, and then put butter in it and whisk it well. We grind walnuts. Peel the cream with cream and sprinkle with nuts. We do not need to lubricate the upper cake - for it we will make the glaze. To do this, mix all the components for the glaze in a saucepan and, stirring, cook on a small fire for about 2 minutes until the thickening of the mass. We put hot icing on the top of the chocolate mediwick with the custard, and slip the sides with cream and sprinkle with chocolate chips. It is desirable that first a gentle honey-maker with a custard for 3 hours stood at room temperature, and then another time in the refrigerator.