How to develop creativity?

To explain the usefulness of the non-standard approach is not necessary, with proper application, he will save money and time. Therefore, explanations of how to develop creativity of thinking have recently become popular. Some even train on this topic and get a good financial return. But to improve the unusual view of the world, it is not necessary to go to group classes, independent training will also give good results.

How to develop creativity skills - Exercises

  1. Perspective . Choose an item, and try to imagine how it will look after a few years. Change the circumstances of use, study its changes in the smallest detail.
  2. Non-standard . This way, how to develop the creativity of thinking is widely known for its effectiveness. For training, you need to take any object and come up with more unusual options for it. For example, a plastic bag can be used instead of a swimming cap, and instead of a confectionery bag it can be used, and for cellulite wraps it will work.
  3. Randomness . Often poets admit that the right line came to them while they were on the territory of the bathroom. Do not discard such thoughts, while taking a shower or other pastime that allows you to relax, our brain finds really interesting moves. Write down, in a few minutes, seeming nonsense may very well be a real solution to the problem.
  4. To hell with logic! No, building logical chains is very useful, but constantly outlining specific goals and ways to achieve them can be harmful. Life can throw up different possibilities, you should not throw them away only because they do not fit into the pre-set picture of the world.
  5. Be interested . Develop creativity with the help of some boring exercises, you can, but boring. Therefore, try to constantly look for something new. Ideally, if it is directly related to your field of activity, but also distant topics are also able to benefit. Firstly, no one knows when you need information about the comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko, and secondly, maybe this hobby of heavenly bodies will help to open new horizons.