Ceramic Moussat

The pride of every hostess in the kitchen, of course, are sharply sharpened knives . But it is known that too frequent sharpening "eats" the metal of the blade, very quickly turning a rather expensive tool into a pointed "remnant". This is especially noticeable in the hands of an inexperienced user. To avoid this situation and prolong the life of knives, it is recommended to use modern ceramic moussat.

Which moussat is better - ceramic or steel?

Previously, to straighten the knives only steel musates were used. But when ceramics appeared on the market, the question became urgent: what is the difference between a ceramic moussat from a simple one and what is better to buy. The fact is that it is desirable to have both in the household because they differ in their actions. For example:

  1. Metal moussat will show itself from the best side, if you rule on it knives made of steel with hardness above 60HRC (high-carbon). He perfectly copes with jams, jaggies and irregularities on the cutting edge, while the ceramic moussat here will simply be useless.
  2. Musat, made of metal, is not afraid of mechanical damage, but rusts.
  3. The metal rule (musat) is cheaper, but takes up more space - it is longer and heavier than ceramic. In addition, to work with him requires a certain skill because of its weight.

But ceramics finds its admirer. For example, many well-known, ceramic Ikea mouser often comes complete with knives of the same manufacturer and is ideal for their dressing. What is the secret?

If the blade of the knife is made of metal of the brand from 50 HRC to 60 HRC (medium hardness), then to rule it on a metal moussat is like throwing a knife. The metal of high hardness simply "eats" the softer material of the blade of the knife, and very quickly this knife becomes worthless. In this case, ceramics are required.

Again, depending on the steel grade of the knife, you can pick up the Moussat with the right abrasive layer - the softer the blade, the smaller the ceramic spraying.

How to use and how to store musat?

So, having determined the hardness of the musat and choosing ceramics for yourself, you should learn how to use this tool correctly. Until now, some people think that the musat is intended for sharpening the blade. In fact, it extends the life of the edge, allowing less sharpening of the knife, and from time to time doing only editing (enough once a week). Edit, unlike sharpening, removes much less metal, and the cutting edge will retain its geometry for a very long time.

In order not to damage the knife, but correctly correct it, you should drive it alternately one or the other side at an angle of 20 ° relative to the moussat. Understanding the right position comes with experience, and soon enough a couple of minutes of straightening will be needed to give the geometry of the blade its original state.

After use, it is desirable to place the ceramic mousse in a special hole in the stand, or hang it on the wall, on the hook. But to store it in a box with spoons is undesirable, because ceramics are fragile enough. Wash the Moussat as it is soiled with an ordinary cleanser and a washcloth.