How to remove shine on trousers?

A lot of trouble is caused by the gloss that appears after the iron. Pants shine, and nothing helps to remove this effect, what to do, how to save the material. There are several ways to get rid of this scourge. Some techniques, oddly enough, require the use of the same iron, which gave rise to unnecessary shine.

How to remove shiny spots on trousers?

  1. We use acetic solution. We make water in a proportion of 2: 1. Pour the liquid into the iron and iron the trousers using the steaming mode.
  2. We take a simple gauze, moisten it and soap it. Squeeze and straighten the trousers. If you iron through such a gauze a problem place, then the unpleasant gloss should disappear.
  3. Smooth the material first through a regular gauze, and then soak it in the vinegar and repeat the procedure.
  4. Instead of gauze, you can still try to use a linen cloth, also soaked in vinegar.
  5. As a gasket between wet trousers and an iron, take a material with a high wool content. Put on the problem place on top of the machine, and make the fabric warm up. The gloss should decrease or disappear altogether.
  6. If the pants shine after ironing, then try to use steaming . In the bath on the hangers we hang our product, and from below we put a basin with boiling water. The steam causes the villi to straighten. Then swipe this place several times with a brush, brushing off the moisture.
  7. How to remove shine on trousers with gasoline? It is necessary to take a flap of woolen cloth, moisten it in gasoline and wipe the shiny places on the trousers. Spoon the hyposulfite in 0.5 liters of water, moisten the resulting solution with a clean cloth and wipe the trousers again. At the end of the thing you will need to wash and dry.
  8. Glitter on trousers from the iron is cleaned with ammonia. For 1 liter of water, add 2-3 teaspoons of the drug, we moisten the tampon in this liquid and wipe the problem areas.

It is easier to prevent shine than to get rid of it. Therefore, it is always worthwhile to use a gasket in the form of cloth or gauze. If, however, a gloss has appeared, then take advantage of our advice, and it will certainly disappear. But you should know that pants from the material, in which a lot of synthetics, to restore, practically fails. It should be ironed extremely carefully.