How to remove a stain from a pomegranate?

As a rule, washing stains from a pomegranate is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. Pomegranate juice is an ordinary food color, and with the help of certain substances it can be neutralized. And now let's find out how to do it right.

How to wash stains from pomegranate?

The most successful stains from pomegranate are washed when they are fresh and the dye has not yet penetrated deeply into the fibers of the tissue. Once your clothes or tablecloth has been soiled, try to immediately fill the stain with boiling water or at least soak for a while in cold water. Then spread the thing as usual. If the stain is old, you can use one of the modern means-stern extractors (for colored fabrics) or a usual bleach (for whites) to remove it. If the quality of the fabric allows, you can apply and boiling. When using household chemicals, be sure to read the instructions for use and adhere to it very strictly, otherwise instead of removing the stain, you can ruin the very thing.

How to remove stains from pomegranate using improvised tools?

If normal washing does not bring the desired result, use other means, such as acetic acid or gasoline soap. In the first case, you must first prepare a solution of acetic acid (mix the vinegar essence with water in the proportion 1:10). Then moisten in the resulting solution a cotton swab or a stick and gently apply to the stain. After 10-15 minutes, wash the thing by hand. This method is good for removing old stains from pomegranate. In order to properly remove the stain from the pomegranate, also recommend a hand wash with a gasoline soap. If it is not, you can try using a 72% laundry soap. These methods will help you remove the stain from the pomegranate from any kind of fabric.