Aiva is good and bad

Aivah is a fruit with which a person is familiar from a long time. In Ancient Greece, this fruit was a symbol of family well-being, and in medieval Europe a sign of love and passion. Quince has an unusual taste and fragrant aroma, but it is not used in its raw form. Most often this fruit is used in cooked food, so many are interested in whether quince is useful after such heat treatment.

The composition of quince

This marvelous fruit has unique healing properties, which are due to the richest composition, so let's consider what vitamins and nutrients are available in quince:

Nutritional value of quince per 100 g:

The benefits and harm of quince

Thanks to the composition, which has a rich content of various vitamins and medicinal components, quince is recognized as one of the most healing fruits with many useful properties:

  1. It is a febrifuge. It is recommended to use quince during colds and diseases of the upper respiratory tract, especially if such ailments are accompanied by high fever.
  2. This fruit is very useful for the cardiovascular system. Infusion of fruits helps to strengthen the heart muscle, prevents the development of hypertensive disease, prevents the formation of blood vessels in the plaques.
  3. Improves the condition and operation of the digestive system. Perfectly cleanses the intestinal walls from toxins and other harmful substances, normalizes digestion, helps cope with liquid stool, lowers cholesterol .
  4. Quince ordinary has also priceless useful properties for the female body. Decoction of the seeds of this fruit helps to cope with heavy bleeding during menstruation, juice is recommended for infertility and during cystitis.
  5. Quince is also useful in diabetics, because reduces the level of sugar in the blood.
  6. Helps to cope with stress, gives vivacity, cheers up.

Quince can harm the body if used in the following diseases:

According to some reports, the use of quince can badly affect the larynx and vocal cords.