How to wash silk - practical tips for safe and effective washing

Information on how to wash silk is important for familiarizing people who have items made of such a fabric. This is a demanding material, which can irretrievably deteriorate if you look after it incorrectly. There are several rules regarding the washing of delicate things.

How to wash natural silk?

Wash in a typewriter machine can only items made from artificial silk and if there are no special prohibitory signs on the label. If you do not know the material is natural or artificial, then you can make a simple test: squeeze the fabric in the fist and release. The fabric was smoothed over quickly, and no appreciable creases were formed - this is a sign that silk is of high quality, and on the fake there will be clearly identifiable creases.

Finding out how to wash silk, it is necessary to hold another test for the color fastness before the procedure, so that the thing does not shed. Select the product for washing in a small amount on the edges of the seam from the inside. Wipe with a cotton swab from above, without any special effort. If, in the end, the ink has flowed, and the disc is painted, then do not take chances and experiment. It is better to take the thing to the dry cleaners. If nothing happened, then do the washing, for which use a simple instruction how to properly wash silk:

  1. Previously, the product should be put in a special bag or an old pillow case.
  2. Add to the machine department a detergent and better to give preference to liquid formulations, as they are better rinsed. It is forbidden to use bleach, because they will spoil the silk. White products wash in a borax solution, which is prepared from the calculation of 1 tbsp. Spoon the product for 1.5 liters of water.
  3. In modern typewriters, the manufacturer added the "silk" function, but if that is not available, then choose "delicate mode".
  4. It is important to turn off the spin mode, otherwise the silk will be spoiled.
  5. When the washing is over, you must immediately get the product out of the drum, because if it is left there for a long time, rough creases can form.
  6. It is impossible to wring out silk fabric, and not only in a washing machine, but also manually. You need to leave it, letting the water drain yourself, and then wrap it in a terry towel and roll it into a roll.
  7. Do not wait until the matter is completely dry. A slightly damp cloth can be dried by ironing. Do not worry silk is not afraid of iron, just set the average temperature. If the technology can change the modes, then select "Silk". An important rule - if the silk is already dry, you do not need to water it before ironing, since the drops will leave a stain. If you iron a dry thing, then use a steamer.
  8. It is important to know not only how to wash silk, but also how to store it properly. Note that natural matter tends to absorb extraneous odors, and it also attracts a mole . Keep things better on the shoulders and a closed case, which is recommended to put another aromatic sachet to protect against insects.

At what temperature do you wash silk?

It is very important to know at what temperature it is possible to carry out washing of silk. In most cases, the manufacturer indicates this value on the tag. If it is not, then know that the temperature should not be above 40 ° C. The instructions on how to properly wash silk items indicate that if the thing is shedding, this indicates a low quality, so the water temperature should not be more than 30 ° C. In addition, it is recommended to pay attention to the water hardness parameters and if they are high, then it is necessary to soften by adding 10 g of soda to 1 liter of liquid.

Shrinkage of silk when washing

You should immediately prepare for the fact that after the first wash, a piece of natural silk will sit about 5%. This is important to consider when choosing the size of clothing. Finding out whether the silk is sitting down after washing or not, it is worth pointing out another feature - a fabric made from non-natural silk will have an even greater shrinkage, so in silk fabrics the figure is at 7%.

Means for washing silk

If you want the silk product to last a long time, then it is recommended to carefully choose the means for washing. First you need to take into account the information on the tag, where restrictions can be indicated. Washing of silk in a washing machine should not be carried out with ordinary powder and for such things you need to buy special means. They have a softer effect and do not contain chlorine. If there is no such means, then you can take a baby or toilet soap, but it is important that it is not alkaline. Another option - shampoos and gels, but without coloring and chemical additives.

How to wash silk things?

Another wash option that can be used is manual. There is a simple scheme, how to wash silk things at home, so as not to spoil them.

  1. It is necessary to prepare boiled water, the temperature of which should not be above 40 ° C.
  2. The permitted agent must be completely dissolved in water, so that there is no sediment.
  3. Throw in a prepared soapy solution and leave for 15 minutes. After this, you need to carry out a careful washing, avoiding strong mechanical impact, that is, rub, wash, twist - it is prohibited.
  4. The next step is to rinse the thing, and this procedure is performed several times. It is important to gradually reduce the temperature of the water. During the final cold rinse, it is necessary to add a little bit of bite into the water, which will preserve the attractive color of matter.
  5. The instructions on how to wash silk indicate that it is forbidden to squeeze the product in the usual way, because fragile silk fabrics can be damaged. It is necessary to carefully get a thing out of the water, wrap it in a soft towel and leave it for a while so that the moisture absorbs.

How to wash a silk handkerchief?

Washing can be done by the methods mentioned above or use another option, which is useful, if there is no special powder or detergent. It's very simple, so the product should be soaked in cool water, thoroughly soap, and then rinse in cold liquid. Describing how to wash products from silk, it is worth pointing out that for this method, in no case can not take household soap, because because of it, matter can become faded and lose its color.

How to wash a silk dress?

If it's scary to erase your favorite dress in a typewriter, then you can use the way that people have been using for more than a decade. After such an unusual wash, the natural silk will remain soft, and the color will be protected from the negative influence of the environment.

  1. Clean, wash and boil the potatoes until soft.
  2. Then mash it with a fork and add water so that its temperature does not exceed 40 °.
  3. In the resulting mixture you need to put a silk dress and leave it for 20 minutes.
  4. After the time has elapsed, rinse the product in running water, which must be cool.

How to wash a silk blanket?

In order to achieve good results in machine washing, it must be carried out only if the minimum drum load is 6 kg, otherwise the work will be performed poorly. If you are interested in whether you can wash a silk blanket, then focus on the following algorithm:

  1. Do not pre-soak the product is not recommended, because a prolonged exposure to moisture can cause the threads to become heavy and stretch, spoiling the blanket.
  2. First, the product must be put in a special bag for washing. This is important in order to avoid knocking down the filler.
  3. Set the appropriate mode, that is, "silk" or "delicate washing". With manual adjustment, the speed should not be more than 400, and the temperature should not exceed 30 ° C.
  4. Describing how to properly wash silk, we note that after the end of the main process, if desired, you can hold 15-20 minutes. a blanket in the bite solution that will return elasticity to the fibers. To do this, in 5 liters of water should be added only 0.5 teaspoons of vinegar.
  5. Drying should be done away from the sun without first squeezing the product. After that it is recommended to shake the blanket well.

How to wash silk cushions?

To maintain silk products, it is important to take care of them properly. Wash pillows from 100% silk is prohibited and it is better to contact the clearing company. If the product contains only 30%, then the rules concerning how to wash the silk in the washing machine described above should be used. The main thing is a delicate regime and a soft powder. To refresh the color of the product, you can add a little vinegar at the end of the wash. After the end of washing, do not squeeze the pillow, but simply hang it or put it and allow the water to drain by yourself.

How to wash silk bed linens?

To clean the bed linen, you can use manual or machine wash, as described above. Finding out how to wash silk underwear, it will be useful to learn about ways to remove the most common stains:

  1. Sweat. To remove yellow stains, use a cotton disc moistened with alcohol. First, treat the contamination site, and then do a full laundry.
  2. Tea and coffee. Dark spots can be removed from a delicate tissue with glycerin, applying it on the stain for 30 minutes. After that, rinse in running water and wash.
  3. Blood. Describing how to wash silk at home, it should be pointed out that coping with brown blood stains is not easy, for which you apply a porridge prepared from starch and water. When the mixture dries, gently remove it and do the usual washing.

Is it possible to wash a silk carpet?

Very beautiful are carpets, made by hand from silk thread. The material is durable and durable, and it is necessary to take care of it properly, cleansing it in a timely manner. Use cleaning agents can not, because the pattern will fade and the carpet will deteriorate. It is better to turn to dry cleaners, or consider ways to properly wash silk:

  1. Use a solution of vinegar to remove contaminants, for which dilute it in a proportion of 1:10. Do not rub the surface, but only soak the cloth moistened with the solution. In the end, wipe it off with a dry cloth and dry it.
  2. You can use a solution of soda, baby soap or shampoo to clean the carpet. You need to move according to the scheme described above.

How to wash a silk blouse?

In addition to the above methods for removing contaminants, shampoo can be used as a detergent. Washing the silk in the washing machine will be effective, but you can do it manually.

  1. Pour warm water into the basin and dilute a little shampoo in it, then whip everything until the foam forms.
  2. On the blouse, which must be pre-soaked, it is necessary to apply a little foam. Leave it until it absorbs.
  3. After that, carefully remember the product and rinse it in cool water.