How to moisten the air in the apartment?

It's no secret that one of the main reasons for the dryness of the mucous membranes of the eyes, decrease in efficiency, drowsiness , which can lead to severe headaches is the dryness of the air in the house. How to properly moisten the air in the apartment?

How to moisten the air at home?

There are three reasons why you need to humidify the air in an apartment. The first is dryness in the premises. The second is the presence in the air of dangerous bacteria, viruses and ticks. And the third - allergies. All these factors adversely affect health. There are several simple ways that will help to properly regulate the humidity of the room:

  1. Airing . You need to open the windows every 5-6 hours for 20-30 minutes.
  2. Vessels with water . It is only necessary to arrange several containers with ordinary water and periodically pour water into them. The main thing to remember is that this method is not the most hygienic, as harmful microorganisms begin to multiply in the course of time. Therefore, do not forget to regularly wash the containers (preferably one or two times a day).
  3. Flowers . Divorce them as much as possible in your home. Plants, as is known, not only moisturize, but also ionize, purify the air. Home ferns, fatsia, cyperus, linden, ficus , dracaena, hibiscus are flowers that effectively moisturize the air in the apartment.
  4. Devices for humidification of air . Humidification of air with such devices is more effective than traditional methods, but it will significantly affect your budget. Humidifiers are divided into steam (humidification with the help of specially built-in silver rods), traditional (humidification occurs during the passage of dry air through the wet "sponge" of the device) and ultrasonic (moistening with a membrane that vibrates).