How to wash stains from celandine?

Many of us have met this widely known plant, which is full of woods, fields and wastelands. How many children do not tell, that it is poisonous, and they and aspire to take it in hands. Yes, and adults can easily leave a stain on their clothes from his yellow juice, and then dry his head, how to clean the celandine. There are many ways how to do this. Let's try to bring some of them, maybe they will also be useful to you.

Some ways how to remove stains from celandine

The list of substances that are present in this plant is very large. The widespread opinion that there are a lot of iodine in the purity is somewhat erroneous, although it is also in small amounts there. That's why trying to remove stains on clothes is all tried in the same way as green or iodine . But there are many more alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, zinc, silver and selenium in it.

Here are the ways that really help to remove traces of celandine:

  1. It is best to immediately wipe your stain on clothes with fresh lemon juice or chopped raw potatoes. You can still look in the garden, if it happened at the dacha, sorrel, and handle the problem place with its juice. In any case, until you arrive home, do not flush anything.
  2. Upon arrival to your home, wash off the ingredients that you processed locally, and drop a bit of a solution of water and ammonia (1: 1 ratio) onto the stain. Do not do anything for about three minutes, then sprinkle it with soda and pour vinegar (let him hiss), until you wash the soda. Your problem spot should brighten.
  3. Only now can you rinse your thing and then dry it. At the end, sprinkle the starch on the stain and lightly rub it into the cloth. After it has completely dried, brush it. After the subsequent washing (use the best powder with enzymes), it will be necessary to take a good look, at least to notice something.

We hope that our advice will help you to remove stains from celandine, saving life for your things.