How to soundproof a wall from neighbors?

Sometimes from an outside noise in the apartment you can go crazy. Some neighbors arrange constant gatherings with loud music and dances, others can not finish endless repairs in any way. Worst of all, shock noise, which is carried over long distances very far from the source. Therefore, the question of how to make soundproof walls , for many people is extremely relevant. Making your walls as thick as possible is not an option. So we lose useful space. Therefore, it is worth turning to new technologies that come to help tenants of multi-apartment buildings.

What is the best sound insulation for walls?

  1. The cheapest way - pasting walls with a roll-up substrate ("Polifom" or others). This method is fairly simple to perform, but it reduces noise by no more than 60%.
  2. Decorative panels with paper or fabric trim. The area of ​​the room decreases slightly, and the material itself, although not very cheap, but it is a good decoration of the interior.
  3. Installation of a multi-layer "pie", when different materials for soundproofing of walls - plasterboard, mineral wool and others are used at the same time. The work is dusty, but it gives a tangible effect.

Sound insulation of the walls of the apartment with their own hands

  1. We install a metal frame with a pitch between vertical posts of 60 cm.
  2. When purchasing mineral wool, the thickness of the roll material should be taken into account, it should not exceed the thickness of the profile used for the frame.
  3. As an internal filler, we use mineral fiber.
  4. Roll the roll in the room.
  5. We measure the width of the material.
  6. Mineral cotton wool should be inserted into the frame tightly, so it is necessary to trim excess cotton so that the remaining strip was about 10 mm wider than the opening between the posts.
  7. We stack soundproofing between the posts.
  8. We close the mineral wool with sheet gypsum plasterboard.
  9. To the profile of gypsum cardboard we attach self-tapping screws.
  10. Further we make usual finishing works - we seal up a solution of a place of fastening, we ground a surface, we make shpatlevku. At the end we clean, paint or glue the wallpaper on top.

The method described by us, how to soundproof the wall from neighbors, in many respects resembles the usual warming of walls with mineral wool. Therefore, you will not only make your room quieter, but it will also become more comfortable in cold weather.