Mushroom roe from the boletus for the winter

Mushrooms are a source of natural protein, which gives strength and energy. To enjoy delicious and healthy preparation, try to cook a real delicacy - mushroom eggs from the boletus for the winter. It certainly will become a real favorite of your menu.

Mushroom salmon roe - winter variant

Busy housewives for sure bribe recipe for this caviar from the boletus, which does not require several hours of stay at the stove.



Clean the legs and hats of mushrooms with a knife from dirt, rinse well and cut into small cubes. Put them in a saucepan, lightly salt and boil for about a quarter of an hour after boiling. Then throw the mushrooms into a colander and rinse with cool boiled water. Grind the mushrooms using a food processor or a meat grinder. Rinse and peel the vegetables, cut the onion into thin half rings, and grate the carrots with a medium grater. For a couple of minutes fry them in a frying pan with warmed vegetable oil.

After that, mix the roast with the mushrooms, mix well, pour the spices, put the bay leaf and leave the mixture to languish on a small fire, stirring occasionally. According to the recipe for mushroom roe from the boletus for the winter, the pan should be left from the cooker no earlier than one and a half hours after the start of cooking. This is necessary to ensure that the ingredients become soft and well soaked with juice. After deenergizing, pour vinegar into the mixture, mix again and spread over pre-sterilized jars, immediately roll them. In the same way, the mushroom spawn from the legs of the boletus is also prepared. Store blanks in a place with low temperature.

Caviar from boletus and poderezinoikov

If in your basket after a walk through the forest were such mushrooms, it's time to preserve their aroma and taste for long winter evenings. Those who do not know how to cook caviar from boletus can use the following recipe.



My vegetables and mushrooms, carrots and onions are cleaned, pickled cucumbers from salt. Then cut the onion into small cubes and fry in a pan with a small amount of sunflower oil to a light golden hue. Carrots rubbed, using a medium grater, and mix with onions, leaving them stew for another 3-4 minutes. Mushrooms cut into miniature pieces and boil for a quarter of an hour, starting from the moment of boiling. Then we throw these gifts of the forest into a colander and let it drain off. Chop the boletus and buntings in the blender, mix with the vegetable fry, add the grated cucumber rubbed with a large grater and stew the eggs for about 5 minutes. After that we roll it into pre-sterilized cans and after cooling we move it to a cool place.