Interactive whiteboard with projector

Who among us did not languish in childhood from boredom, looking at the dark brown school board? Modern children were more fortunate, because interactive whiteboards with projectors appeared, making the learning process vivid and not boring at all. More about this wonderful invention, and we'll talk today.

Interactive whiteboard with smart board projector

So, what does the interactive whiteboard represent? In essence, this is a special screen, on which an image is created using the projector. The peculiarity of this system is that you can not only view the resulting image, but also work with it - rotate in various projections, make corrections to the text component, etc. Depending on the technology on which the board is made (active or passive), you can do it with a special stylus, or simply with your fingers. The amendments are immediately saved on the disk of the computer entering the system. The surface of the board is matte, which makes the information on it accessible from any point of the showroom or school class. In addition, on such a board you can write and conventional dry-erase markers.

What is included in the interactive whiteboard?

In addition to the projector , a special fixing system, a tray for markers and markers, columns, a bluetooth module, a cable and a disk with software (drivers) are supplied with the interactive whiteboard. Projectors for interactive whiteboards are usually short-focus or ultra-short focus, which minimizes the interference introduced by the user working on the board. Tray for markers in addition to its direct destination can also perform the functions of the control unit - it carries out volume control buttons, selection of operating modes, etc.