Systemic family psychotherapy

The classical approach in psychology involves working directly with the client. A relatively new school - system-family psychotherapy has an impact on the whole family, which allows us to consider interpersonal relationships and relationships. This type of therapy is scientifically recognized in the USA, Finland, Italy, Poland, Great Britain, Germany, Switzerland and Austria. The most common reception in German-speaking countries is a systemic family setting, this kind of psychotherapy is supported by M. Varga, G. Weber and I. Schparrer.

Principles of systemic family psychotherapy

Family psychotherapy is based on the following fundamental principles

  1. Circularity. Usually when dealing with problems people use linear logic, but everything in the family happens according to the circular logic. Learning to see the circular causality of events is not easy, but once the therapist learns to do this, his task of choosing the modes of action is greatly simplified.
  2. Neutrality. To effectively influence the therapist should take a neutral position and equally sympathize with all family members, enable everyone to be understood and heard.
  3. Hypothetical. The purpose of communication between a specialist and his family is to test his hypothesis about the meaning of family problems. In accordance with the hypothesis, the psychotherapist's communication strategy is built.

Introduction to the systemic family psychotherapy A. Varga

Among domestic popularizers of this method, A. Varga and her books on systemic family psychotherapy are widely known. In her writings, she looks at the structure of the family, the stages of its development, demonstrates examples and analyzes the life cycle of the Russian family, which is important, since the mentality can not be discounted. Also in the literature, the properties of the family system are considered, without knowledge of which it is impossible to assess interpersonal relationships. A detailed description of the principles of family psychotherapy allows you to get basic knowledge on the topic, although, of course, reading the book does not make you a professional family psychotherapist.

Systemic family psychotherapy - training

The principles of family psychotherapy are used not only for therapeutic effects, but also for coaching, social work and system consulting. But nevertheless training of system family psychotherapy is spent for retraining of experts. Such courses are offered by a variety of training centers, so finding them is not difficult, it remains only to choose the most optimal option for yourself.