Menu for the wedding

An integral part of any Russian wedding is a festive table. Perhaps no country in the world can match our traditions of a wedding feast. However, the custom of arranging a large-scale feast existed in many countries. In Europe, for many centuries, weddings have been celebrated for several days and have been abundant at the festive table. To date, modern youth has largely moved away from these traditions. In most cases, this is due to the material possibilities and complexity of the organization. Nevertheless, despite any difficulties in our country, weddings very rarely take place without a full-fledged festive feast.

To date, there are many ways to celebrate a wedding. And a modest wedding dinner, and banquet, and a full wedding feast are similar in that they have common basic elements in the menu. The question "How to make a menu for a wedding?" In most cases is relevant for those who are going to arrange a festive meal at home. Menu for the wedding in a cafe or restaurant helps to make employees of the institution who have a great experience in this matter. The approximate festive menu for a wedding at home or in a cafe includes the following dishes:

When making a menu for a wedding, it is important to consider the preferences of the guests. If there are vegetarians among attendees, or people who keep fasting, care should be taken to ensure that there are more vegetable and mushroom snacks on the table.

It is not uncommon for the couple to prefer to celebrate the second day of the wedding in nature or at home. The menu on the second day of the wedding may not be so diverse. It is believed that enough 2-3 types of salads, several types of snacks and one hot dish. In the summer menu for a wedding in nature, you can include shish kebab and grilled vegetables. An excellent dish is a fish baked on a brazier. At home, in the menu of the second day of the wedding, you can include broth.