Reflux in children

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (reflux) is a condition where some of the contents are thrown from the stomach into the esophagus. With such a symptom as regurgitation in infants, many parents face, but as a rule, as time passes, children's reflux passes on their own.

Signs of gastroesophageal reflux disease

In addition to constant regurgitation, the symptoms of reflux in children are manifested in the following:

In addition to the above signs of the disease, an older child may have burning in the epigastric region and bitterness in the mouth.

Causes of reflux in children

In infancy, the main causes of this condition are overeating, immaturity of the digestive system and inappropriate feeding, in which the baby swallows a large amount of air. In older children, reflux is caused by acquired diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, do not forget that this condition can be provoked by congenital pathologies of the digestive system.

How to treat reflux in children?

When asked what should be given to children from medicines during reflux, doctors explain: histamine neutralizers (Nizatidine, Ranitidine, Cimetidine) and antacids ( Maalox, Mulanta).

In addition, reflux treatment in older children, always implies compliance with the diet. It consists in the fact that foods that are able to relax the lower sphincter are removed from the diet: chocolate, fatty, spicy, dried fruits, carbonated drinks. Food is done in small portions, but every three hours. As for exercise, after eating, it is strictly contraindicated, just like wearing tight belts, and taking a horizontal position.

For infants, with frequent regurgitation, it is recommended to carry out preventive measures that can reduce this symptom:

So, reflux is a state that, with the right approach, goes on or decreases with time. However, it is always useful for his diagnosis and treatment, visit a pediatrician and gastroenterologist.